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Welcome to Friendzone! Friendzone is a fullstack application clone, inspired by Facebook. Create a user, create a post, like some posts, add some comments, and force someone to be your friend or ... friendzone someone!

Live site:


App Academy January 2023 Cohort

This was our first group project together. We decided to clone Facebook as we were a group of ambitious individuals.

Throughout this process, we learned many new skills and developed as software developers:

  • This is was our first opportunity to implement Python/Flask in a project.
  • This is our first time creating a project from scratch including creating the Database Schema, API Documentations, and creating the React app.
  • We learned to work as a group and communicate better using proper Git work flow.
  • We gained more experience in using React/Redux Store.
  • We successfully created a git work flow to ensure proper versionc ontrol and team work flow

Meet The Developers

Technologies Used

  • Python
  • PostgresSQL
  • Flask
  • React/Redux
  • AWS

Wiki Links

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository:
  1. Install denpendencies into the Backed and the Frontend

    • npm install and pipenv install
  2. Create a .env file using the .envexample provided

  3. Set up your database with information from your .env and then run the following to create your database, migrate, and seed:

  • pipenv run flask db migrate
  • pipenv run flask db upgrade
  • pipenv run flask seed all
  1. Start the app for both backend and frontend using:
  • pipenv run flask run
  • npm start
  1. Now you can use the Demo User or Create an account

Amazon Web Services S3

  • For setting up your AWS refer to this guide


🙎‍♀️ New account creation, log in, log out, and guest/demo login

  • Users can sign up, log in, and log out.
  • Users can use a demo log in to try the site.
  • Users must be logged in to view, like, and comment on posts.
  • Logged in users are directed to their timeline which displays posts from themselves and their friends.
  • Logged out users are directed to the landing page where they can sign up or log in.

📜 Posts

  • Logged in users can see their own posts and friends' posts on the homepage.
  • Logged in users can see all posts a user has made on a user's profile page.
  • Logged in users can make posts from the home page.
  • Logged in users can edit and delete their own posts.

✏️ Comments

  • Logged in users can see comments on all visible posts.
  • Logged in users can post comments on posts, including their own.
  • Logged in users can edit and delete their own comments.

❤️ Likes

  • Logged in users can see how many users have liked a post or comment.
  • Logged in users can like posts and comments, including their own.
  • Logged in users can remove their own like from posts and comments.

💃 Friends

  • Logged in users can make other users their friends.
  • Logged in users can delete friends from their friends list.
  • Users can view other users friends.

Future Implementation Goals

Direct Messaging

  • Implement web sockets to enable users to live chat wuth each other

Spotify Radio Player

  • Implement a music player so users can listen to music while browsing on FriendZone.
  • Utilize the Spotify API, enabling users to connect to their own spotify account and play music


Request Purpose Return Value
GET '/api/auth/' Fetches the current logged in user or returns null { id: int, username: STRING, email: STRING }
POST '/api/auth/login' Logs in user { id: int, email: STRING, firstName: STRING, lastName: STRING, profilePicURL: STRING, coverPhotoURL: STRING, gender: STRING, createdAt: DATETIME }
GET '/api/auth/logout' Logsout user {'message': 'User logged out'}
POST /api/auth/signup Signs up user { id: int, username: STRING, email: STRING }
GET /api/likes/ get likes of a post { user_id: INT, listing_id: INT, totalReviews: INT, avgReviews: INT, owner: user obj, images: ARRAY }
POST /api/likes/listing/:id add like to listing { "message": "listing added to likes" }
DELETE /api/likes/listing/:id remove like from listing { "message": "listing removed from likes" }
GET /api/listings get all listings { id: INT, name: STRING, userId: INT, price: INT, category: STRING, description: STRING, totalReviews: INT, avgRating: INT, owner: user, images: ARRAY }


Facebook clone






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Contributors 4

