🚀 Welcome to my Graduate Rotational Internship Program (GRIP) project! In this exciting journey, I will be building a simple dynamic website with the following specifications:
The project involves creating a web application that simulates a basic banking system. It will allow users to perform transactions between customers. Here are the key components and requirements:
I will start by creating a database with MongoDb. The customers' table will contain basic fields like name, email, and current balance. Additionally, a transfers table will record all transactions that occur.
The website will have a straightforward flow for users:
- Home Page: The landing page for the website.
- View all Customers: Users can view a list of all customers.
- Select and View one Customer: Clicking on a customer's name will lead to a detailed view.
- Transfer Money: Users can initiate a money transfer from one customer to another.
- Select customer to transfer to: Choose a recipient for the transfer.
- View all Customers: Return to the list of all customers.
- There will be no login page and no user creation functionality.
- The primary purpose of the website is to facilitate money transfers between multiple users.
I will host the website on a free hosting provider i.e. Vercel
Demo link: https://banking-system2-phi.vercel.app/
Backend link : https://bank-backend-6f4p.onrender.com
To explore and test the website, follow these steps:
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
- Set up the chosen database and import the dummy data.
- Host the website using the instructions provided in the project's documentation.
Feel free to explore the code and provide any feedback or suggestions. Your input is greatly appreciated!
📦 Database: Choose a database system (I am using MONGODB Atlas) for storing customer and transaction data.
🌐 Website Flow: Understand the flow of the website, from the home page to money transfers.
🚫 No Login Page: This project does not require user authentication or user creation.
🌟 Hosting and Version Control: The website will be hosted on a free hosting provider, and the code will be managed using GitLab.