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MLOps for Crab Age Prediction

Problem description

The used dataset is from Kaggle. The dataset is used to estimate the age of the crab based on the physical attributes.

For a commercial crab farmer knowing the right age of the crab helps them decide if and when to harvest the crabs. Beyond a certain age, there is negligible growth in crab's physical characteristics and hence, it is important to time the harvesting to reduce cost and increase profit.

There are 10 columns:

field description
id Used for Indexing
Sex Gender of the Crab - Male, Female and Indeterminate
Length Length of the Crab (in Feet; 1 foot = 30.48 cms)
Diameter Diameter of the Crab (in Feet; 1 foot = 30.48 cms)
Height Height of the Crab (in Feet; 1 foot = 30.48 cms)
Weight Weight of the Crab (in ounces; 1 Pound = 16 ounces)
Shucked Weight Weight without the shell (in ounces; 1 Pound = 16 ounces)
Viscera Weight Weight that wraps around your abdominal organs deep inside body (in ounces; 1 Pound = 16 ounces)
Shell Weight Weight of the Shell (in ounces; 1 Pound = 16 ounces)
Age Age of the Crab (in months)

The main focus of the project is to apply the MLops principles like experiment tracking, training pipeline, model monitoring concepts to the machine learning projects rather than getting state-of-the-art accuracy.

This model tries to predict the Crab Age (column "Age") for this data set.

Contact for questions

completed The Entire Project can be run using the Makefile

Installing of make and git

sudo pacman -S make git

Cloning the git repository.

Clone the repository.

git clone

Go to the root directory by cd Mlops-ZoomCamp-Project1.

Installing of docker and docker compose

Since this project uses a lot of dockerized services, docker and docker compose are needed to be installed.

You need to follow these steps about Install using the apt repository from here. You also need to install the post installation activity of docker from here.

1. Prerequisites

To prepare the environment just run make prerequisites

	@echo "Building Python environment and unzipping dataset"
	python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
	pip install --upgrade pipenv
	pipenv install --python 3.11
	pipenv run python ./ingestion/

The step creates virtual environment using pipenv and install all the required packages present in the Pipfile.lock file. It also unzips the data from zip file stored in data/ folder.

2. Start MLFlow UI

To start MLFlow UI open new terminal and run make mlflow (change the database path according to your setup)

	@echo "Starting MLflow server..."
	mlflow server \
	--backend-store-uri sqlite:///${HOME}/mlops_zoomcamp/final_project/project_1/mlflow.db 

You can access the initialized GUI at

3. Start Prefect server

To start Prefect server open new terminal and run make prefect

	@echo "Starting Prefect server"
	pipenv run prefect server start

You can access the initialized GUI at

4. Workflow orchestration

Now everything is ready to start the orchestration workflow. Run make run-training-pipeline in a new terminal window.

	@echo "Start Training"
	pipenv run python pipeline/

Running the flows (and sub flows) and tasks can take some time. This workflow includes a whole bunch of steps.

First the datasets are provided. You can find all of them in the data/processed folder. After that I performed Preprocessing and Normalization on the dataset then applied RandomForestRegressor to the dataset.

You can find the run on MLFlow website. The model is now registered and I also promoted it to Production stage automatically.

All of this mentioned steps are shown in the Prefect GUI after the main flow has finished.

You want to know more about training pipeline, take a look at README

5. Monitoring with Evidently and Grafana

This step shows Evidently and Grafana in action. It is dockerized (have a look at docker-compose.yaml). To start this step open new terminal and run make monitoring. Run this make command in root directory.

	@echo "Starting monitoring with Evidently and Grafana dashboards"
	pipenv run docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up --build
	@echo "Open a new terminal and run"
	@echo "cd monitoring"
	@echo "python"

This provides 3 running docker containers for you (database, Grafana, and Adminer). The user credentials for Grafana are admin:admin. Then you have to open new terminal and change directory to the monitoring folder and run python manually.

The ML model monitoring proceeses and dashboard are fully explained and demonstrated in the README file

6. Model deployment as simple web service

This step is about deploying the model as a web service. It is also dockerized (have a look at the Dockerfile in the deployment folder). The image building process can be triggered by running make deployment

	@echo "Creating docker container for model deployment (as web service)"
	pipenv run docker build -f ./deployment/Dockerfile -t crab-age-prediction-service:v1
	@echo "Open a new terminal and run"
	@echo "cd deployment"
	@echo "docker run -it --rm -p 5010:5010 crab-age-prediction-service:v1"
	@echo "Open a new terminal and run"
	@echo "python"
	@echo "To stop all running docker containers run"
	@echo "docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)"

Then you have to change directory to the deployment folder. By running docker run -it --rm -p 5010:5010 crag-age-prediction-service:v1 the docker container is started. The web service is listening at Open a new terminal (in the deployment folder) and run python This triggers a request to get a prediction for one specific example. This triggers one request and outputs the result of the prediction to the terminal.

7. Testing

1. Check the unit test.

  • You can run unit test by make run-unit-test

2. Check the quality of the code by linting tools.

  • You can run by make quality-check

8. CICD (Github Actions)

I also implemented pre-commit hooks (see .pre-commit-config.yaml) and I added ci-tests (see .github/workflows/ci.yaml).

For running the hooks present in pre-commit-config.yaml you need to first install the pre-commit, for that just run make install-hooks

The CICD (GitHub Actions) workflow is fully explained and demonstrated in the workflows README file.

9. Cleaning

To stop and clean everything open new terminal and run

You have already set up the mlops-pipeline. You can stop the services make stop-all-services

	docker compose down 

make clean

	@echo "Cleaning"
	rm -rf __pycache__
	rm -rf data/processed
	rm -rf data/extended_crab_age_pred.csv
	rm -rf evidently
	rm -rf mlruns
	rm -rf mlflow.db
	pipenv --rm

This also removes the virtual environment in the project folder .venv


For the scoring purpose, if you want to find out which steps are implemented throughout this project, check this


MLOps Zoomcamp Project 2024







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