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Compilation guide

Kaustubh Patange edited this page Mar 7, 2022 · 13 revisions

You need this IDE in order to compile the project.


  • Clone the repository with git.
git clone
  • Due to IAP, some modules within the project are hidden which will make your build fail. But there is a tar.gz file that contains the skeleton structure of those files.
cd Moviesy && tar -xvzf art/module.tar.gz
  • This project uses Firebase Authentication (for purchase premium), Analytics & Crashlytics for gathering user usage info. So you need google-service.json to be present in the right folder. Unfortunately, I can't give you mine because of security issues but I've created a demo one.
copy art/debug.json app/google-service.json
  • Add the following property to your file
    • Don't have TMDB API key you can create a new key from here.
tmdb_api_key = YOUR_API_KEY
interstitial_ad_id = ADUNIT_ID
google_client_id_web = CLIENT_ID
  • Add the following property to your rootProjectDir/ file
signing.alias = alias_name
signing.storePassword = store_password
signing.keyPassword = key_password
signing.keyFile = path/to/file
  • Run the build with the IDE or via Gradle.
./gradlew app:assembleDebug
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