This is a basic book reviews website developed as a project for 'Web Development with No-SQL' course.
Reading communities is a crucial thing that if provided, readers will be influenced by the knowledge they get more clearly. As a reader, I believe that having the opportunity to hear from other readers, their opinion about a book, how did they saw the story from their point of view, and get recommendations is a great thing. As a sequence, my project goal is to create a user-friendly book reviews website that helps reader collaborate and make their reading journey more effective, by adding and reviewing their favorite books.
- Python 3.10
- Django 4.1
- Djongo 1.3.6
- Bootstrap 4.0
- MongoDB 6.0
The website consists of multiple functionalities including:
- Login/Logout
- Add books
- View all books
- View books filtered by genre
- View selected book details with its reviews
- Add review for selected book
To launch the website, naviagte to the project file in the command line (Anaconda prompt or any similiar technology) and activate an environment where all required packages installed (You can find requireemnts.txt file). Make sure that MongoDB service is running and your database is connected. Next, run the command 'python runserver' and copy the url from the output into your browser. You should get the website up and runing.
Done with developing basic requirements. Additional functionalities and enhancement of GUI will be applied in the future.
To login to admin dashboard, you can use the following credintials:
- Username: admin1
- password: Kawthar2001