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File metadata and controls

131 lines (90 loc) · 3.46 KB


ResourceControllers support resource listing methods with pagination by cursor by page or without pagination

By cursor

struct StarsController {
    func index(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<CursorPage<Star.Output>> {
        try ResourceController<Star.Output>().getCursorPage(
            req: req,
                .eagerLoading(StarEagerLoadingKeys.self) &
                .sort(using: StarsSortingKeys.self) &

How to query cursor pagination

When making initial request, client may provide only limit parameter, like this:

Limit parameter is optional, defaults to pagination config.

As a part of metadata, returned by server, there will be next_cursor parameter. In order to get the next portion of data, client should include cursor in the request query:

Cursor is a base64 encoded string, containing meta data that points to the last element of the returned portion of items. It also contains all sorting-related metadata allowing to use cursor pagination along with the sorting applied to query builder, including dynamic sorting query keys

How to configure cursor pagination

  1. Define config:
//defalut parameters are limitMax: 25, defaultLimit: 10

let cursorPaginationConfig = CursorPaginationConfig(limitMax: 25, defaultLimit: 10)

defaultLimit is applied if there is no limit specified in the request query limitMax is the max allowed limit for the query

  1. Provide cursor config parameter to collection controller builder:
struct StarsController {
    func index(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<CursorPage<Star.Output>> {
        try ResourceController<Star.Output>().getCursorPage(
            req: req,
                .eagerLoading(StarEagerLoadingKeys.self) &
                .sort(using: StarsSortingKeys.self) &
            config: cursorPaginationConfig

By page

How to use page pagination

struct StarsController {
    func index(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<Page<Star.Output>> {
        try ResourceController<Star.Output>().getPage(
            req: req,
                .eagerLoading(StarEagerLoadingKeys.self) &
                .sort(using: StarsSortingKeys.self) &

That config will apply default Vapor Fluent per page pagination with the following parameters:

  • page - for page number
  • per - for number of items per page

Can be queried like this:

Collection listing without Pagination

How to get all items

It's sometimes useful to provide API for the whole list of items, although not recommended for large collections

struct StarsController {

    func index(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<[Star.Output]> {
        try ResourceController<Star.Output>().getAll(
            req: req,
                .eagerLoading(StarEagerLoadingKeys.self) &
                .sort(using: StarsSortingKeys.self) &