ResourceControllers support resource listing methods with pagination by cursor by page or without pagination
struct StarsController {
func index(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<CursorPage<Star.Output>> {
try ResourceController<Star.Output>().getCursorPage(
req: req,
.eagerLoading(StarEagerLoadingKeys.self) &
.sort(using: StarsSortingKeys.self) &
When making initial request, client may provide only limit parameter, like this:
Limit parameter is optional, defaults to pagination config.
As a part of metadata, returned by server, there will be next_cursor parameter. In order to get the next portion of data, client should include cursor in the request query:
Cursor is a base64 encoded string, containing meta data that points to the last element of the returned portion of items. It also contains all sorting-related metadata allowing to use cursor pagination along with the sorting applied to query builder, including dynamic sorting query keys
- Define config:
//defalut parameters are limitMax: 25, defaultLimit: 10
let cursorPaginationConfig = CursorPaginationConfig(limitMax: 25, defaultLimit: 10)
is applied if there is no limit specified in the request query
is the max allowed limit for the query
- Provide cursor config parameter to collection controller builder:
struct StarsController {
func index(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<CursorPage<Star.Output>> {
try ResourceController<Star.Output>().getCursorPage(
req: req,
.eagerLoading(StarEagerLoadingKeys.self) &
.sort(using: StarsSortingKeys.self) &
config: cursorPaginationConfig
struct StarsController {
func index(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<Page<Star.Output>> {
try ResourceController<Star.Output>().getPage(
req: req,
.eagerLoading(StarEagerLoadingKeys.self) &
.sort(using: StarsSortingKeys.self) &
That config will apply default Vapor Fluent per page pagination with the following parameters:
- page - for page number
- per - for number of items per page
Can be queried like this:
It's sometimes useful to provide API for the whole list of items, although not recommended for large collections
struct StarsController {
func index(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<[Star.Output]> {
try ResourceController<Star.Output>().getAll(
req: req,
.eagerLoading(StarEagerLoadingKeys.self) &
.sort(using: StarsSortingKeys.self) &