This package is intended to speed up backend development using server side swift framework Vapor
- CRUDs with Resource and Nested Resource Controllers
- Parent-Child and Siblings relations for Nested Resource Controllers
- Nested Resource Controllers for Authenticatable Resource
- Filter query
- Sorting query
- Eager loading query
- Fluent Model convenience extensions
- Cursor Pagination
Add this package to your Package.swift as dependency and to your target.
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0-beta.1.6")
targets: [
.target(name: "App", dependencies: [
.product(name: "VaporRestKit", package: "vapor-rest-kit")
Import in your code
import VaporRestKit
- Define Input, Output structs for your Model, conforming to
ResourceUpdateModel, ResourcePatchModel, ResourceOutputModel
protocol ResourceUpdateModel: Content, Validatable {
associatedtype Model: Fields
func update(_: Model) -> Model
protocol ResourcePatchModel: Content, Validatable {
associatedtype Model: Fields
func patch(_: Model) -> Model
protocol ResourceOutputModel: Content {
associatedtype Model: Fields
init(_: Model)
StarsEagerLoadQueryKeys, StarsSortQueryKeys, StarsFilterQueryKeys
if needed -
Implement controller with RestKit ResourceControllers API:
struct StarForGalaxyNestedController {
func create(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<Star.Output> {
try RelatedResourceController<Star.Output>().create(
req: req,
using: Star.Input.self,
relationKeyPath: \Galaxy.$stars)
func read(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<Star.Output> {
try RelatedResourceController<Star.Output>().read(
req: req,
queryModifier: .eagerLoading(StarEagerLoadingKeys.self),
relationKeyPath: \Galaxy.$stars)
func update(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<Star.Output> {
try RelatedResourceController<Star.Output>().update(
req: req,
using: Star.Input.self,
relationKeyPath: \Galaxy.$stars)
func delete(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<Star.Output> {
try RelatedResourceController<Star.Output>().delete(
req: req,
relationKeyPath: \Galaxy.$stars)
func patch(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<Star.Output> {
try RelatedResourceController<Star.Output>().patch(
req: req,
using: Star.PatchInput.self,
relationKeyPath: \Galaxy.$stars)
func index(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<CursorPage<Star.Output>> {
try RelatedResourceController<Star.Output>().getCursorPage(
req: req,
.eagerLoading(StarEagerLoadingKeys.self) &
.sort(using: StarsSortingKeys.self) &
relationKeyPath: \Galaxy.$stars)
- Routes setup:"galaxies", Galaxy.idPath, "stars") {
let controller = StarForGalaxyNestedController()
$0.on(.POST, use: controller.create)
$0.on(.GET, Star.idPath, use:
$0.on(.PUT, Star.idPath, use: controller.update)
$0.on(.PATCH, Star.idPath, use: controller.patch)
$0.on(.DELETE, Star.idPath, use: controller.delete)
$0.on(.GET, use: controller.index)
- Get result
HTTP Method | Route | Result |
POST | /galaxies/:GalaxyId/stars | Create new |
GET | /galaxies/:GalaxyId/stars/:starId | Show existing |
PUT | /galaxies/:GalaxyId/stars/:starId | Replace existing |
PATCH | /galaxies/:GalaxyId/stars/:starId | Patch exsiting |
DELETE | /galaxies/:GalaxyId/stars/:starId | Delete |
GET | /galaxies/:GalaxyId/stars | Show list with cursor pagination |
CRUD for Related Resource Models
Vapor RestKit is licensed under MIT license.