This release brings support for bi-directional pagination.
Bi-directional pagination is disabled by default. It can be turned on in pagination config:
//defalut parameters are limitMax: 25, defaultLimit: 10
let cursorPaginationConfig = CursorPaginationConfig(limitMax: 25, defaultLimit: 10, allowBackwardPagination: true)
When enabled, cursor page API response metadata would contain both next and previous cursors.
"items": [
//your data collection here
"metadata": {
"next_cursor": "W3siZmllbGRLZXkiOiJhc3NldHNfW3RpY2tlcl0iLCJ2",
"prev_cursor": "dW3siZmllbGRLZXkiOiJhc3NldHNf2312RpY2tlcl0i3"
They can be used with after
and before
query parameters to request next and previous portions of collection.
Next portion:
Previous portion: