Advanced Thermal Management for Android Devices
Disables the temperature regulation system on the device, preventing the device from reducing performance due to overheating.
- Detect thermal in description
- Disable limit gpu freq
- Disable cpu hotplug
- Disable msm_thermal
- Disable thermal zones
- Disable thermal service
- Disable other thermal
- Remove cache thermal
- Disable thermal pid in /proc
- Stops processes thermal
- Disable init.svc.*thermal* properties to stopped
- Disable sys.*thermal* properties to 0
- Clearing pid thermal
- Stop any thermal processes found
- Make all thermal related files inaccessible
- Disable I/O statistics accounting
- Configuration temperature power supply
- Gpu Throttling Disabler
- Configuration thermal message sconfig "10"
- directory hwmon set access permission to inaccessible
Tested on:
Please report compatibility for other devices.
- @Bias_khaliq & @WeAreRavenS