Releases: Kdyby/RabbitMq
Releases · Kdyby/RabbitMq
- 🐘 PHP Support only **7.4 | 8.0 | 8.1 **
- Bumped php-amqplib/php-amqplib to
Thanks @Jakub-Fajkus & @MilanPala
- 🐘 PHP Support only 7.4 | 8.0
- Only Nette 3 support
- Bumped php-amqplib/php-amqplib to
- Dropped Travis, using GHA
- Added makefile for composer, cs, phpstan, tests
Thanks @PavelJurasek
If used with another console library, nette inject tag is added.
Added return types according to the Symfony Commands.
Thanks @MilanPala
Nette 3.0 compatibility
- Dropped PHP <7.1
- Support up to PHP 7.4 🐘
- travis: drop kdyby/code-checker
- travis: run parallel-lint from vendor
- Exception split to own files 💥
- setInject is deprecated, used addTag
👴 Deprecated:
- \Kdyby\RabbitMq\Exception::class => \Kdyby\RabbitMq\Exception\Exception::class
- \Kdyby\RabbitMq\InvalidArgumentException::class => \Kdyby\RabbitMq\Exception\InvalidArgumentException::class
- \Kdyby\RabbitMq\QueueNotFoundException::class => \Kdyby\RabbitMq\Exception\QueueNotFoundException::class
- \Kdyby\RabbitMq\TerminateException::class => \Kdyby\RabbitMq\Exception\TerminateException::class
- Kdyby/RabbitMq/BaseConsumer::setCallback argument has type callable
- Kdyby/RabbitMq/BaseConsumer::setConsumerTag strict argument type string
- Kdyby/RabbitMq/BaseConsumer::getConsumerTag strict return type string
- Kdyby/RabbitMq/BaseConsumer::setQosOptions strict argument types
- Kdyby/RabbitMq/BaseConsumer::getIdleTimeout strict return type string
- Kdyby/RabbitMq/Connection::getConsumer strict argument type string
- Kdyby/RabbitMq/Connection::getProducer strict argument type string
- Kdyby/RabbitMq/Connection::getRpcClient strict argument type string
- Kdyby/RabbitMq/Connection::getRpcServer strict argument type string
- Kdyby/RabbitMq/Connection::doCreateChannel strict argument type string
- Kdyby/RabbitMq/Consumer::setMemoryLimit strict argument type
- Kdyby/RabbitMq/Consumer::consume strict argument type
- Kdyby/RabbitMq/Consumer::isRamAlmostOverloaded strict return type
- Kdyby/RabbitMq/DI/IConsumersProvider::getRabbitConsumers strict return type
- Kdyby/RabbitMq/DI/IProducersProvider::getRabbitProducers strict return type
- Kdyby/RabbitMq/DI/IRpcClientsProvider::getRabbitRpcClients strict return type
- Kdyby/RabbitMq/DI/IRpcServersProvider::getRabbitRpcServers strict return type
- Kdyby/RabbitMq/IConnection::getConsumer strict argument and return type
- Kdyby/RabbitMq/IConnection::getProducer strict argument and return type
- Kdyby/RabbitMq/IConnection::getRpcClient strict argument and return type
- Kdyby/RabbitMq/IConnection::getRpcServer strict argument and return type
- Kdyby/RabbitMq/IProducer::setRoutingKey strict argument and return type
- Kdyby/RabbitMq/IProducer::setContentType strict argument and return type
- Kdyby/RabbitMq/IProducer::setDeliveryMode strict argument and return type
- Kdyby/RabbitMq/IProducer::publish strict argument and return type
- Kdyby/RabbitMq/MultipleConsumer::processQueueMessage strict argument types
- Kdyby/RabbitMq/RpcClient::addRequest strict argument types
- Kdyby/RabbitMq/RpcServer::sendReply strict argument types
Thanks @Vboss & @jiripudil & @Jakub-Fajkus