Damath is a two-player educational board game combining the board game "Dama" (Filipino checkers) and math. It is a teaching tool for elementary and high school mathematics. Every piece has a corresponding number, and each even (white) square on the board has a mathematical symbol.
The rules for Damath with some unique features:
- Each piece is represented by a unique number and a mathematical operator.
- Pieces can only move diagonally forward and capture opponent pieces by jumping over them.
- The queen piece can move diagonally without limitation, but can only capture one opponent piece at a time.
- The game ends when a player has no remaining valid moves, piece, and time.
- Vite
- Reactjs
- TailwindCSS
- Node.js (https://nodejs.org/en/download)
- VScode (https://code.visualstudio.com/)
To use the Damath game, follow these steps:
- Install the required dependencies using npm install.
- Start the development server using npm run dev.
- Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:5173/ to start playing the game.
- Documentations
- Source Code
👨🎓 - Developer Kean Jieden Villaflor
- Portfolio: @Kean
- GitHub: @Keeeyaan
- LinkedIn: @Kean Jieden Villaflor
- GitHub: @Kishiiro