Do you want the power? LaCAM* could be the answer.
This is a code repository of the paper "Improving LaCAM for Scalable Eventually Optimal Multi-Agent Pathfinding" (IJCAI-23), extended from from the LaCAM repo presented at AAAI-23.
All you need is CMake (≥v3.16). The code is written in C++(17).
First, clone this repo with submodules.
git clone --recursive && cd lacam2
Then, build the project.
cmake -B build && make -C build
You can also use the docker environment (based on Ubuntu18.04) instead of the native one.
An example setup is available in assets/
no optimization (random starts/goals):
> build/main -v 1 -m assets/ -N 400
solved: 31ms makespan: 112 (lb=58, ub=1.94) sum_of_costs: 31373 (lb=9217, ub=3.41) sum_of_loss: 26001 (lb=9217, ub=2.83)
# with the MAPF visualizer mentioned below
> mapf-visualizer map/ build/result.txt
makespan optimization:
> build/main -m assets/ -i assets/loop.scen -N 3 -v 1 --objective 1
solved: 8ms makespan: 10 (lb=2, ub=5) sum_of_costs: 21 (lb=5, ub=4.2) sum_of_loss: 21 (lb=5, ub=4.2)
sum-of-loss optimization:
> build/main -m assets/ -i assets/loop.scen -N 3 -v 2 --objective 2
solved: 1ms makespan: 11 (lb=2, ub=5.5) sum_of_costs: 15 (lb=5, ub=3) sum_of_loss: 15 (lb=5, ub=3)
You can find details of all parameters with:
build/main --help
This repository is compatible with @Kei18/mapf-visualizer.
The experimental script is written in Julia ≥1.7. Setup may require around 10 minutes.
sh scripts/
Edit the config file as you like.
Examples are in scripts/config
The evaluation starts by following commands.
julia --project=scripts/ --threads=auto
> include("scripts/eval.jl"); main("scripts/config/mapf-bench.yaml")
LaCAM* variants are available in tags.
- The grid maps and scenarios in
are from MAPF benchmarks. tests/
is not comprehensive. It was used in early developments.- Auto formatting (clang-format) when committing:
git config core.hooksPath .githooks && chmod a+x .githooks/pre-commit
This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt.