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PIGNOSE edited this page Apr 20, 2017 · 2 revisions
You can join in contribution!
We need many supports.


Our library use those environment.

  • RequireJS and Almond
  • Grunt
  • Moment
  • jQuery

We must support.

  • Browsers (IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, MAC Safari)
  • Webpack bundling.


  • If PIGNOSE-Calendar doesn't provide your language.
  • Please make new issue at here.
  • And please fill-up the form.
### This is language request form.

- What is the language that you use?: (example: english)
- What is these language code?: (example: en)
- Please fill-up the languages to follow the format:
// date format follows moment sheet.
// Check below link.
format: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
// Starting day of week. (0 is Sunday[default], 6 is Saturday
// and all day of week is in consecutive order.
// In this example, We will start from Saturday.
week: 6,
// Weeks sun ~ sat.
weeks: [
// Month long names January ~ December
monthsLong: [
// Month short names Jan ~ Dec
months: [
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