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Github Follower (from Sellen course)


this app asks you for a GitHub username and gives you back a list of your GitHub followers and you can see everyone's public information and handling all the error cases with a good looking customized alert and empty view and will food in landscape and portrait mode and will look identical in every device

my art on the app

  • create AutoLayoutHelper framework that is used to make a hardcoded the constraints for autolayout and it will look identical in all the devices and it handles the rotation and the size classes for you

this code to layout any view in portrait and landscape for all devices

layoutHelper.attatchScaledToWidth(anchor: itemViewOne.topAnchor, to: headerInfoView.bottomAnchor, constant: padding, for: [.CompactRegular, .RegularRegularPortrait,.RegularRegularLandscape], designOrientationIsPortrait: true)
        layoutHelper.attatchScaledToWidth(anchor: itemViewOne.leadingAnchor, to: view.leadingAnchor, constant: padding, for: [.CompactRegular, .RegularRegularPortrait,.RegularRegularLandscape], designOrientationIsPortrait: true)
        layoutHelper.attatchScaledToWidth(anchor: itemViewOne.trailingAnchor, to: view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.trailingAnchor, constant: -padding, for: [.CompactRegular, .RegularRegularPortrait,.RegularRegularLandscape], designOrientationIsPortrait: true)
        layoutHelper.addScaledToWidth(dimension: itemViewOne.heightAnchor, equalconstant: 145, for: [.CompactRegular, .RegularRegularPortrait,.RegularRegularLandscape], designOrientationIsPortrait: true)
        // landscape
        layoutHelper.attatchScaledToHeight(anchor: itemViewOne.bottomAnchor, to: view.centerYAnchor, constant: -padding/2, for: [.CompactCompact, .RegularCompact], designOrientationIsPortrait: false)
        layoutHelper.attatchScaledToHeight(anchor: itemViewOne.leadingAnchor, to: view.centerXAnchor, constant: padding, for: [.CompactCompact, .RegularCompact], designOrientationIsPortrait: false)
        layoutHelper.attatchScaledToHeight(anchor: itemViewOne.trailingAnchor, to: view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.trailingAnchor, constant: -padding, for: [.CompactCompact, .RegularCompact], designOrientationIsPortrait: false)
        layoutHelper.addScaledToHeight(dimension: itemViewOne.heightAnchor, equalconstant: 140, for: [.CompactCompact, .RegularCompact], designOrientationIsPortrait: false)
new ratio in landscape new ratio in portrait old ratio in portrait old ratio in landscape
  • make extentions to adjust the font to fit inside the label

override func layoutSubviews() {
    if numberOfLines > 0 {
        fitText(maxLines: UInt(numberOfLines))

like the usernames in the labels in the followers list

  • make super customizable generic alert that can customize literally anything

    • generic labels for the title and the body
    • add any type of buttons
    • customize the colors and the sizes of the alert elemets

small example

func presentGFAlertOnMainThread(title:String, message:String, buttontitle:String){
    DispatchQueue.main.async {
        let alertVC = AlertVC<TitleLabel, BodyLabel>(title: title, message: message)
        let button = RoundedButton(backgroungColor: .systemPink, title: buttontitle)
        alertVC.addButton(button: button, action: nil, target: nil)
        alertVC.modalPresentationStyle = .overFullScreen
        alertVC.modalTransitionStyle = .crossDissolve
        alertVC.backgroundColor = .black
        alertVC.adjustBodyFontToFit = false
        self.present(alertVC, animated: true)

Simple Demo


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