Merge 7DTD discovered map in html for
The python script will extract dans merge all .map files of a random world. The result is then saved into png files.
A javascript code (Leaflet) merge all this png files while browsing the big map.
- Python 2.7
- Pillow
Run a gui will ask you the path of the .map folder.
A sub directory named tiles will be created.
Open index.html in your brower.
You can also use it in command line.
python -s -p CHANGEME -c "." -g "C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves\Random Gen\...\Player" -k "./xml/POIList.xml" -h 8082 -w "./xml/POIWhiteList.xml" -v True -b gui -f ftpHost:username:password
or simply edit Config.kfp values.
map_reader -g XX [options]
-g "C:\Users..": The folder that contain .map files
-t "tiles": The folder that will contain tiles (Optional)
-z 8: Zoom level 4-n. Number of tiles to extract arou
nd position 0,0 of map.
It is in the form of 4^n tiles.It will extract a grid of 2^n*16 tiles on each s
-s telnethost:port 7DTD server ip and port (telnet port, default 8081) (Opt
-p CHANGEME Password of telnet, default is CHANGEME (Optional)
-i True Do not read /addpoi command of players
-x True Do not write players track in csv files
-h 8080 Http Server Port(default 8081) (Optional)
-w "C:\...\xml\whitelist.xml": Authorized users list path...
-k "C:\...\xml\POIList.xml": POI list xml...
-v True Show received data (0=False, 1=True)...
-c "www": The folder that contain your index.html (Optional)
-newest Keep track of updates and write the last version of tiles. This will sh
ow players bases on map.(Optional)
-b gui: Use Gui version (Optional)
-f FTPHost:Port:UserName:PassWord FTP server connection infos (Optional)
You can also show where your players gone by editing an updating the "players/tracks.csv" file.
Lat long is the ingame coordinates.
The content of the file is only showed if you publish the website through a web server. You can run to give access on http://localhost:8000 .
Remember that python files are under GPLv3 license and then you need to redistribute your modifications.