Simple dice roller which can handle complex die sequences.
npm i kd20
yarn add kd20
import { roll, ParsingError } from 'kd20'
const stringToParse = '1d4+4 + 2d6 - 1d4'
try {
// Parses and randomizes the string and returns the value
const result = roll(stringToParse)
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof ParsingError) {
// The string to parse isn't valid
import { parse, rand, total, ParsingError, minPossibleValue, maxPossibleValue } from 'kd20'
import type { ParsedBlock, RandomizedBlock } from 'kd20'
const stringToParse = '1d4+4 + 2d6 - 1d4'
try {
// Returns an array of ParsedBlock representing each die and fixed value to randomize
const parsedValue = parse(stringToParse)
// Returns an array of RandomizedBlock. Those are similar to ParsedBlock but with an extra field containing the randomized value
const randomizedValue = rand(parsedValue)
// Returns the total value of the parsed and randomized string
const total = total(randomizedValue)
const minimum = minPossibleValue(parsedValue) // Returns the lowest possible total value
const maximum = maxPossibleValue(parsedValue) // Returns the highest possible total value
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof ParsingError) {
// The string to parse isn't valid
KD20 © 2024 by Kévin DONIN DE ROSIERE is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, visit