The goal of evalyzer, which is an unofficial package, is to provide several functions to extract user testing data from the Evalyzer platform quickly and easily.
You can install the development version of evalyzer like so:
To extract the data you need first to authenticate to the Evalyzer
platform using the auth()
session <- auth("my-username", "my-password")
Several functions have been created to extract data:
The get_overview()
function retrieves a glimpse of the user tests. The
table contains for each user:
- the date and time of the test session,
- the task performances (task duration and task status),
- the total duration of the task(s).
session <- auth("my-username", "my-password")
user_overview <- get_overview(session, "project-id")
The get_configuration()
function extracts for each user the setup
information. The table contains for each user:
- the screen resolution,
- the browser name (e.g., Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.),
- the operating system name (e.g., Windows, MacOS, GNU/Linux, etc.).
session <- auth("my-username", "my-password")
user_configuration <- get_configuration(session, "project-id")
The get_behavior()
function extracts for each user, the behaviors he
performed during each task.
session <- auth("my-username", "my-password")
user_behavior <- get_behavior(session, "project-id")
The get_performance()
function retrieves for each user, the duration
and status of the task and sums the performances data from the
session <- auth("my-username", "my-password")
user_performance <- get_performance(session, "project-id")
The get_answer()
function extracts the answers to the questions.
session <- auth("my-username", "my-password")
user_answer <- get_answer(session, "project-id")
The get_video()
function permits to retrieve the videos for each task
of each user.
session <- auth("my-username", "my-password")
get_video(session, "project-id", "path-to-store-files")