Sparky is a simple node.js library for communicating with a Spark core. Sparky wraps the four default methods (analogRead, analogWrite, digitalRead, digitalWrite), and has a run method for any custom firmware methods on your SparkCore.
npm install sparky
Turn the built-in LED on.
var Sparky = require('sparky')
var core1 = new Sparky({
deviceId: 'your device id',
token: 'your access token',
core1.digitalWrite('D7', 'HIGH');
Blinking the built-in LED.
var Sparky = require('sparky')
var core1 = new Sparky(config);
var val = 0;
(function toggle() {
val = 1 - val;
core1.digitalWrite('D7', val);
setTimeout(toggle, 1000);
Run a custom command from your SparkCore firmware.
var Sparky = require('sparky')
var core1 = new Sparky({
deviceId: 'your device id',
token: 'your access token',
})'MyCustomFunction', 'what,ever,you,want', callback);
Read a variable from your SparkCore. See the examples/read_var code for an example sketch.
var Sparky = require('sparky')
var core1 = new Sparky({
deviceId: 'your device id',
token: 'your access token',
core1.get('MyCustomVariable', function(response) {
// Full response of the SparkCore API resides in the first argument