- in app's build.gradle
android { // ... flavorDimensions "default" productFlavors { development { dimension "default" buildConfigField("String", "FLAVOR_CONFIGURATION", '"development"') } production { dimension "default" buildConfigField("String", "FLAVOR_CONFIGURATION", '"production"') } } // ... }
- Now able to add specific flavor files to app/src/development/$build_type or app/src/production/$build_type (e.g. google-services.json)
- iOS flavors are not quite as intuitive or straight forward
- Under the project info section, duplicate the Debug configuration and the Release configuration and name them Debug-Development, Debug-Production, Release-Development, and Release-Production
- Under the target build settings, click the + and add User-Defined Setting named FLAVOR_CONFIGURATION and for each buuld configuration, give it a value (debug or production)
- In XCode, Product > Scheme > New Scheme, and create two new schemes, Development and Production
- In XCode, Product > Scheme > Manage Schemes, and delete the default Runner Scheme
- In XCode, Product > Scheme > Edit Schemes, and for each build option set the proper build configuration for Development and Production schemes. i.e. development should be using and $config-development, and production $config-production.
- In the info.plist for target Runner add the following key/value {"FlavorConfiguration" : "${FLAVOR_CONFIGURATION}"}
- flutter run --flavor $flavor_name
Kotlin or Java
- Able to access configuration values natively with
- Objective-C
NSString *flavorConfig = (NSString *) [[NSBundle mainBundle] objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"FlavorConfiguration"];
- Swift
let flavorConfig = Bundle.main.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "FlavorConfiguration")!