The main purpose of this project is to investigate and research on the hardcoded features of Age of Empires III that pose a limitation to modding.
Some examples of such features, which we are or will be investigating, include:
- 14 AI/civilization limit
- Revolutionary Banners
- Export UI for Asian civs and Fire Pit UI for Native civs
- Trickle of Fame resource
- et al.
Most of the code used for this project is programmed in Assembly and C++.
This project is driven by members of the AoE3 community. Mainly kangcliff, danielpereira and Kevsoft.
The development progress can be checked in the TODO file in root directory of this repository.
In order to use the code provided by this project, you'll need to download the latest stable Patcher in the /Release directory and open your Age of Empires 3 TAD .exe with it.
For more information about the Patcher, check the file at the /Patcher directory.