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fix(ci): Add SAST_TOKEN #105

fix(ci): Add SAST_TOKEN

fix(ci): Add SAST_TOKEN #105

Workflow file for this run

#name: Create Cert Store Update Pull Request
# repository_dispatch:
# types: targetRepo-event
# workflow_dispatch:
# inputs:
# targetRepo:
# description: 'Target repository for workflow_dispatch'
# default: 'all'
# targetRef:
# description: 'Target ref for workflow_dispatch'
# default: 'latest'
# create_pull_request:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - name: Set TARGET_REPO_BRANCH from workflow_dispatch input
# if: github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch'
# id: set-local-env-vars
# run: |
# echo "TARGET_REPO_BRANCH=${{ inputs.targetRef }}" | tee -a $GITHUB_ENV
# echo "KFUTIL_ARG=${{ inputs.targetRepo }}" | tee -a $GITHUB_ENV
# - name: Set TARGET_REPO_BRANCH from repository_dispatch input
# if: github.event_name == 'repository_dispatch'
# id: set-env-vars-from-payload
# run: |
# echo "TARGET_REPO_BRANCH=${{ github.event.client_payload.targetRef }}" | tee -a $GITHUB_ENV
# echo "KFUTIL_ARG=${{ github.event.client_payload.targetRepo }}" | tee -a $GITHUB_ENV
# - name: Check Open PRs for Existing Branch
# id: check-branch
# uses: actions/github-script@v7
# with:
# script: |
# // Look for open pull requests
# const owner = context.repo.owner;
# const repo = context.repo.repo;
# const pulls = await{
# owner,
# repo,
# state: "open"
# });
# // Filter out ones matching the KFUTIL_ARG from payload (repository_dispatch) or input (workflow_dispatch)
# const filteredData = => item.head.ref === '${{ env.KFUTIL_ARG }}'); // Look for an existing branch with the orchestrator repo name
# const isBranch = (filteredData.length > 0)
# if (isBranch) {
# const {
# head: { ref: incomingBranch }, base: { ref: baseBranch }
# } =[0]
# core.setOutput('PR_BRANCH', 'commit'); // Just commit since the branch exists
# console.log(`incomingBranch: ${incomingBranch}`)
# console.log(`baseBranch: ${baseBranch}`)
# } else {
# core.setOutput('PR_BRANCH', 'create') // No branch, create one
# }
# console.log(`Branch exists?`)
# console.log(filteredData.length > 0)
# console.log(`targetRepo: ${{env.KFUTIL_ARG}}`)
# - name: set env.PR_BRANCH value for jobs
# run: |
# echo "PR_BRANCH=${{steps.check-branch.outputs.PR_BRANCH}}" | tee -a $GITHUB_ENV
## If the branch with an open PR already exists, first check out that branch from kfutil
# - name: Check out existing repo merge branch
# if: env.PR_BRANCH == 'commit'
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# repository: 'keyfactor/kfutil'
# sparse-checkout: |
# .github
# path: './merge-folder/'
# token: ${{ secrets.V2BUILDTOKEN }}
# ref: '${{env.KFUTIL_ARG}}'
## If the branch does not exist, first check out the main branch from kfutil.
# - name: Check out main
# if: env.PR_BRANCH == 'create'
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# repository: 'keyfactor/kfutil'
# sparse-checkout: |
# .github
# path: './merge-folder/'
# token: ${{ secrets.V2BUILDTOKEN }}
## Save a copy of the original json
# - name: Save original store_types.json
# run: |
# echo "Saving original store_types.json as store_types.sav.json"
# cp ./merge-folder/store_types.json ./merge-folder/store_types.sav.json
## Checkout and run the python tool
# - name: Check out python merge tool repo
# uses: actions/checkout@v4
# with:
# repository: 'keyfactor/integration-tools'
# path: './tools/'
# token: ${{ secrets.V2BUILDTOKEN }}
# - name: Run Python Script
# working-directory: ./tools/store-type-merge
# run: |
# python --repo-name ${{ env.KFUTIL_ARG }} --ref ${{ env.TARGET_REPO_BRANCH }}
# cat store_types.json
# env:
# - name: Save Store Types JSON Artifact
# if: success()
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: store-types
# path: |
# ./tools/store-type-merge/store_types.json
# ./merge-folder/store_types.sav.json
# - name: Save Invalid Store Types JSON Artifact
# if: success()
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: invalid-repos
# path: ./tools/store-type-merge/invalid_repos.json
# - name: Save logs directory
# if: success()
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
# with:
# name: logs
# path: ./tools/store-type-merge/log
## Copy the result to the pr commit folder
# - name: Copy store-type-merge results
# run: |
# echo "Saving original store_types.json as store_types.sav.json"
# cp -f ./tools/store-type-merge/store_types.json ./merge-folder/store_types.json
## Diff the new json against the saved copy and set an UPDATE_FILE variable
# - name: Diff the results
# run: |
# echo "Diff the results"
# echo "Set UPDATE_FILE=1 if differences"
# if cmp -s ./merge-folder/store_types.json ./merge-folder/store_types.sav.json ;
# then echo "UPDATE_FILE=F" | tee -a $GITHUB_ENV;
# else echo "UPDATE_FILE=T" | tee -a $GITHUB_ENV;
# fi
# diff ./merge-folder/store_types.json ./merge-folder/store_types.sav.json || true
## There are two different steps with a condition to check the PR_BRANCH env var
## Both steps will contain a check for the UPDATE_FILE variable before running
# - name: Add and Commit to newly created branch
# if: ${{ env.UPDATE_FILE == 'T' && env.PR_BRANCH == 'create' }}
# uses: Keyfactor/add-and-commit@v9.1.3
# env:
# GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SDK_SYNC_PAT }}
# with:
# add: store_types.json --force
# message: Update store_types.json for ${{env.KFUTIL_ARG}}:${{env.TARGET_REPO_BRANCH}}
# author_name: Keyfactor
# author_email:
# cwd: './merge-folder/'
# new_branch: ${{env.KFUTIL_ARG}}
# - name: Add and Commit to existing branch
# if: ${{ env.UPDATE_FILE == 'T' && env.PR_BRANCH == 'commit' }}
# uses: Keyfactor/add-and-commit@v9.1.3
# env:
# GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SDK_SYNC_PAT }}
# with:
# add: store_types.json --force
# message: Update store_types.json for ${{env.KFUTIL_ARG}}:${{env.TARGET_REPO_BRANCH}}
# author_name: Keyfactor
# author_email:
# cwd: './merge-folder/'
# - name: Create new PR for the newly created branch
# if: env.UPDATE_FILE == 'T' && env.PR_BRANCH == 'create'
# uses: actions/github-script@v7
# with:
# script: |
# console.log(`Created ${{env.KFUTIL_ARG}} `)
# console.log("Commit to ${{env.KFUTIL_ARG}} for PR")
# const owner = context.repo.owner;
# const repo = context.repo.repo;
# const baseBranch = 'main';
# const newBranch = '${{env.KFUTIL_ARG}}';
# const response = await{
# owner,
# repo,
# title: 'New Pull Request - ${{env.KFUTIL_ARG}}:${{env.TARGET_REPO_BRANCH}}',
# head: newBranch,
# base: baseBranch,
# body: 'The cert store update from ${{env.KFUTIL_ARG}}:${{env.TARGET_REPO_BRANCH}} needs to be verified and merged if correct.',
# });
# console.log(`Pull request created: ${{env.KFUTIL_ARG}}:${{env.TARGET_REPO_BRANCH}} : ${}`);
# env: