AUGUSTUS is a program to find genes and their structures in one or more genomes. More ...
This currently installs only a single-genome version without comparative gene prediction capability:
sudo apt install augustus augustus-data augustus-doc
To obtain the most recent complete version, first, clone the repository
git clone
or, alternatively, download and unpack the AUGUSTUS source package with
tar -xzf augustus.current.tar.gz
After retrieving Augustus change into the main directory containing the Dockerfile and issue
docker build -t augustus .
The following dependencies may be required for AUGUSTUS:
- Optional libraries for gzip compressed input (uncomment ZIPINPUT = TRUE in
- libboost-iostreams-dev
- zlib1g-dev
- Optional for comparative (multi-species, CGP) AUGUSTUS with SQLite (uncomment COMPGENEPRED = true and SQLITE = true in
- libgsl-dev
- libboost-graph-dev
- libboost-all-dev
- libsuitesparse-dev
- liblpsolve55-dev
- libsqlite3-dev
- Optional for comparative (mutli-species, CGP) AUGUSTUS with MySQL (uncomment COMPGENEPRED = true and MYSQL = true in
- libgsl-dev
- libboost-graph-dev
- libboost-all-dev
- libsuitesparse-dev
- liblpsolve55-dev
- libmysql++-dev
- For compiling bam2hints and filterBam:
- libbamtools-dev
- For compiling bam2wig:
- Follow these instructions
- For compiling utrrnaseq:
- libboost-all-dev (version must be >Boost_1_49_0)
Once all dependencies are available, you can compile AUGUSTUS using make.
After compilation has finished, the command bin/augustus should be executable and print a usage message.
As a normal user, add the directory of the executables to the PATH environment variable, for example:
export PATH=$PATH:~/augustus/bin:~/augustus/scripts
You can install AUGUSTUS globally, if you have root privileges, for example:
sudo make install
Alternatively, you can exectue similar commands to those in the "install" section of the top-level Makefile to customize the global installation.
If the environment variable AUGUSTUS_CONFIG_PATH is set, augustus and etraining will look there for the config directory that contains the configuration and parameter files, e.g. '~/augustus/config'. You may want to add this line to a startup script (like ~/.bashrc).
export AUGUSTUS_CONFIG_PATH=/my_path_to_AUGUSTUS/augustus/config/
If this environment variable is not set, then the programs will look in the path ../config relative to the directory in which the executable lies. As a third alternative, you can specify this directory on the command line when you run augustus: --AUGUSTUS_CONFIG_PATH=/my_path_to_AUGUSTUS/augustus/config/
AUGUSTUS can also be run through a web-interface at and a web service at
Mario Stanke, Mark Diekhans, Robert Baertsch, David Haussler (2008). Using native and syntenically mapped cDNA alignments to improve de novo gene finding. Bioinformatics, 24(5), pages 637–644, doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btn013
For further references see docs/
3 book chapters with command line walkthroughs
All source code, i.e.
- the AUGUSTUS source code (src/.cc, include/.hh)
- the scripts (scripts/*.pl)
- the auxiliary programs (auxprogs/)
- the tree-parser (src/scanner,src/parser)
is under the Artistic License.