This document describes how to build and use WebCL Validator. Some example WebCL programs before and after protection are found here: another test suite for testing plain OpenCL kernels with different vendor drivers is found from
Currently WebCL Validator is implemented as a Clang tool. Therefore you need to fetch source code for LLVM and Clang and build WebCL Validator along with them.
Checkout the required repositories into following locations:
LLVM: /path/llvm
Clang: /path/llvm/tools/clang
WebCL Validator: /path/llvm/tools/clang/tools/webcl-validator
This can be done as follows:
# Get LLVM 3.4 source
cd /path/
git clone --single-branch -b release_34
cd /path/llvm/
# Get Clang 3.4
cd /path/llvm/tools
git clone --single-branch -b release_34
# Get WebCL Validator source and add it to CMakeLists.txt for compiling
cd /path/llvm/tools/clang/tools
git clone
echo "add_subdirectory(webcl-validator)" >> CMakeLists.txt
Depending on your OS/configuration, you may need to install some additional tools:
sudo yum install git-svn
sudo yum install cmake28
alias cmake=cmake28
You can now create a build directory and build all three components:
mkdir /path/build
cd /path/build
# cmake uses git-svn if you used git instead of svn
# For smaller executable, use -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug /path/llvm
make -j4 # webcl-validator
# run regression tests
make -j4 check-webcl-validator
To get more verbose output:
make VERBOSE=1 -j4 check-webcl-validator
To select which OpenCL library should be used one can give OpenCL_INCPATH
variables when runnign cmake e.g.
OpenCL_INCPATH=/usr/local/include OpenCL_LIBPATH=/usr/local/opt/pocl/lib cmake /path/llvm
You can find the WebCL Validator and example WebCL kernels from:
Run the following command to let WebCL Validator transform your WebCL kernels:
webcl-validator [CLANG OPTIONS]
For example, use -D to inform WebCL Validator about used extensions. Passing -Dcl_khr_initialize memory tells that local memory initialization shouldn't be done, because the driver should initialize local memory with cl_khr_initialize_memory extension. See DESIGN.txt for more details:
webcl-validator -Dcl_khr_initialize_memory
The validator adds some Clang options automatically. Option -x cl forces sources to be interpreted as OpenCL code even if they wouldn't use the .cl suffix. Option -include FILE automatically includes helper code, such as OpenCL type and builtin definitions.
To disable certain extensions from the default set of supported extensions you may use the --disable=xx switch:
webcl-validator --disable=cl_khr_fp16
Get Visual Studio 2013 (I used Express for Windows Desktop version)
Get GIT and install it to default path ( (this will provide required tools like bash, grep, sed etc. for running test suite)
Get Python 2.7 (
Get CMake 2.8 (
Get Intel OpenCL SDK (
NOTE: Nvidia SDK headers didn't work for building all the test runners / clv.h API.
To build 64bit version do:
cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 Win64" ../llvm-3.4
If you have multiple OpenCL SDKs installed you can select which includes / libraries you like to use with OpenCL_INCPATH=<path to CL/cl.h>
and OpenCL_LIBPATH=<directory where opencl.lib is found>
OpenCL_INCPATH="C:\intelsdk\include" OpenCL_LIBPATH="C:\intelsdk\lib\x64" cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 Win64" ../llvm-3.4
Open the generated llvm.sln file. Build by building the "ALL_BUILD" project, don't use Build Solution / F7.
Run tests by building "check-webcl-validator" project, found under "WebCL Validator Tests" in the Solution Explorer.
Get CMake for Windows
Get MinGW64 4.6.3 and MSYS rev 12 from (NOTE: MinGW 4.8.1 failed compiling LLVM)
Extract mingw to C:\MinGW64 and MSYS to C:\MinGW64\msys
Add C:\MinGW64\bin to PATH.
Open MSYS shell and according to normal build instructions except tell cmake to generate MSYS make files
cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles" /path/llvm
CMake might fail to some error, if so run it again. Usually it works second time and build files will be generated. Compilation requires ~4GB RAM.
If you want to build also OpenCL programs and possibly run the tests, set
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/C/path/to/opencl/include
export LIBRARY_PATH=/C/path/to/opencl/lib
Generate xcode project:
cmake -G Xcode /path/llvm
Open and build in Xcode or from commandline
xcodebuild -configuration MinSizeRel -target check-webcl-validator