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💥 breaking change
:boom: breaking change
🐛 bug
:bug: bug
Something isn't working
🏗️ infrastructure
:building_construction: infrastructure
Issues affecting build, deployment, testing, and other aspects outside of code
Pull requests that update a dependency file
⁉️ invalid
:interrobang: invalid
This doesn't seem right
📄 docs
:page_facing_up: docs
Update to or creation of documentation
🎭 dupe
:performing_arts: dupe
This issue or pull request already exists
❓ question
:question: question
Further information is requested
🆘 help wanted
:sos: help wanted
Extra attention is needed
✨ feature
:sparkles: feature
New feature or request
🏆 good first issue
:trophy: good first issue
Good for newcomers
❌ wont fix
:x: wont fix
This will not be worked on