#Bonita Extract Sources
Bonitasoft is a software to create a BPM application all-in-one, from back-end to front end, all in the same environment. We can drag tasks into diagrams or widgets into web-pages with beautiful rendering. We can add some code (groovy, javascript, css, html) to be closer to our needs.
What's about this specific code insides diagrams and web-pages ? How do I know the level of quality of this code ? How can I detect potential misconception, code smell or bug ?
This is what Bonita Extract Sources provide you : A way to analyse code hidden in diagrams or web-pages
We will see how we can connect Bonitasoft with SonarQube
The project is a script-like compile in an executable jar.
This script parse bonita workspace and find resources with hidden code.
Then an extraction of code is executed to a new directory called extracted_sources
Supported bonita extractions are :
- groovy script extracted from diagrams
- html extracted from web widgets
- javascript extracted from web pages
- javascript extracted from web fragments
This version in tested with Bonitasoft 7.2.x
Two way to get executable jar bonita-extract-sources-X.X.jar
- maven clean install
- get jar from GitHub release
Two way to use it :
java -jar bonita-extract-sources-X.X.jar /myPath/WorskpspacePath
cd /myPath/WorskpspacePath' and 'java -jar BONITA_EXTRACT_HOME/bonita-extract-sources-X.X.jar .
Be careful : do not to commit extracted files
The next step is to analyse code with SonarQube :
In your Bonita project, copy the file sonar-project.properties
and update following variables:
- rest-api projects (my-api-rest-1,my-api-rest-2,my-api-rest-3)
- sonar.projectVersion
- sonar.projectKey
- sonar.projectName
Download and install your Instance SonarQube and the tools SonarQube Scanners : https://www.sonarqube.org/downloads/
In your SonarQube instance (localhost:9000 by default), you have to install following plugs-in :
- Svn plug-in
- Groovy plug-in
- SonarJs Plug-in
- Web Plug-in
With the scanner, analyse your bonita project (it will read sonar-project.properties
) and generate report to you sonarQube instance.
Bonitasoft is now connected to SonarQube
The file exemplePomWithCoverageJacoco.xml
contain a example to add coverage to your api rest extension.
Specific coverage with Jacoco description is delimited by <!-- Begin Analysis Jacoco -->
and <!-- End Analysis Jacoco -->
Before running SonarQube analysis do a maven clean install
or compile with BonitaStudio.
This new bricks works well with a continuous integration. Orchestration is :
- extract sources
- mvn clean install for all rest api extension
- run sonarqube analysis
- enjoy reports
Previous orchestration has been tested with jenkins and works well.