以游戏《原神》(Genshin Impact)中的人物为例制作的社交网络图。以人物为顶点,若人物A语音中有关于人物B的条目,添加A→B的边。
A social network graph of Genshin characters. Each node is a character and each edge from A to B is a voice line of character A about character B.
This project uses __ to generate network graph. The following layouts are used.
fcose:基于力导向算法。(进行力学模拟,顶点互相排斥,边提供张力,直至平衡。)Based on force-directed layout. Nodes repel each other and edges pull them together. The forces are simulated until equilibrium is reached.
avsdf:在圆周上排列顶点,使得边的交叉尽可能少。The nodes are distributed along a circle such that the crossing of edges is minimized.
custom:同心圆布局。初始状态下边越多的顶点越靠近中心。选中人物后以其为中心,与之连接越多的人物越靠近中心。A concentric layout. Initially, nodes with more edges are closer to the center. When a character is selected, it moves to the center and nodes with more edges with it are closer.
is the variable for Cytoscape.js graph object. stats
includes some statistics of nodes. Feel free to explore them in the console.
This project is for demonstration and research purpose only. Copyright holder of game data is mihoyo.
I don't even play this game (only read and watch the stories). I'm against gacha games.
CaoMeiYouRen/genshin-relation-graph: 原神人物关系图
原神 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
Genshin Impact Wiki | Fandom
Honey Impact | Honey Impact - Genshin Impact DB and Tools (multi-language | 多语言)
Genshin DB - Genshin Impact Database
Genshin Impact Characters List - Wiki Database
Dimbreath/GenshinData: Repository containing the game data for the game Genshin Impact.
uzair-ashraf/genshin-impact-wish-simulator: A React web application to simulate Genshin Impact gacha in the browser
GenshinMap/ A flexible, community-driven interactive map for Genshin Impact.