simple discord role manager for ark survival evolved
You need NodeJS and NPM installed.
This bot is meant for usage with CrossArkChat ( by allowing the tribe leaders to assign the access role for a discord text channel with the tribe logs to any user without requirering to ask an administrator. Altough it can be used otherwise, as this bots only purpose is to give a user with a leader role the ability to assign a specific role to any member with out the need of any server side permissions!
1 Start by cloning the repository and installing the packages
git clone
cd dc_tribe_manager
npm install
2 to be able to connect to a Discord server you will need a bot token.
Here's a guide on how to get a token. Store your token as a string called token
inside config.json
. Fill out the rest of your config file too.
Your config file (config.json) will look something like this:
"prefix": "!", //prefix for recognition of bot commands
"token": "random_characters", //discord bot token to connect to
"globalsec": "5" //seconds a message from the bot will be displayed
3 Start the bot by running the following command within the dc_tribe_manager directory
node main.js
OR Make the bot run in the background and on system startup by creating a systemd service
Step 1: Create a new systemd service for dc_tribe_manager
sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/dc_tribe_manager.service
Step 2: Paste the following content and replace User and Group with your own username
ExecStart=node /home/[username]/dc_tribe_manager/
ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID
ExecStop=/bin/kill -s TERM $MAINPID
Step 3: Press Ctrl + x,y (to save), Enter (to save with the same name)
Step 4: Enable the new dc_tribe_manager service (optional but will make the bot start on boot)
sudo systemctl enable dc_tribe_manager.service
Step 5: Reload the Systemd Daemon (Do this every time you modify a server file)
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Step 6: start the dc_tribe_manager service. You can use start, stop, restart or status. You don't have to run it manually again if it's enabled to start on boot (Step 4).
sudo systemctl start dc_tribe_manager.service
NOTE! The default prefix is !. The prefix must be used before the command for it to work.
- addmember @user - adds the memberrole to a user
- kickmember @user - removes the member role of a user
- addtribe [tribename] @leaderRole @memberRole - register a new tribe in the bot
- rmtribe [tribename] - remove a registered tribe from the bot
- listalltribes - outputs a list of all currently registered tribes
- reload - reload all external configuration files