This pack includes several components, which is the latest version of Hekate, Atmosphere, Tinfoil and Sigpatches from iTotaljustice and some payloads like the latest version of Lockpick_RCM, and Tegraexplorer along with its Scripts. This pack also contains the SX Gear 1.1 Boot.dat file.
- Delete the existing Atmosphere, Config , Bootloader, Sept folder from your SD card
- Extract the HATS pack to your SD card
- Inject the SX Loader Payload for unpatched Switch or just boot the console for all patched Switch including the Lites
- You will then boot to Hekate. Press launch and choose whatever environment you are going to load.
- Delete the previous files or just replace it with the new downloaded pack, as easy as that.
Use this link to always download the updated pack
Well, it contains (H)ekate + (A)tmosphere + (T)infoil + (S)igpatches . Easy to remember, right?