710-Lib is A Multi-Framework Wrapper, Basically a Framework bridge for resources to work on multiple frameworks with little to no edits!
Any Scripts made with 710-lib Calls and exports will work on Any framework(ESX, Qbox and QBCore out of the box and any other one with some edits!)
PR Changes if updates happen to frameworks or if you want to add another popular one like VRP, ox_core, ND-core!
To Install just paste this into your resources folder, add it under your framework, ox_lib and inventory on your server.cfg then add any resources that use it below. The SQL will install itself on first start up, and the config should auto-detect what resources and Framework you are using!
-- Works on both server and client
local Framework = exports['710-lib']:GetFrameworkObject()
To use the serverboost functions you first have to either add codes manually to the database table (710_boost) OR link your database to your tebex make a package and add something like this into the "game server actions" directly to the product
INSERT INTO `710_boost` VALUES ('{transaction}', '1', '0');
This sql statement means thats their code to redeem will be their tebex transaction ID, the 1 is the amount of hours the boost will be for, and the 0 means it hasnt been redeemed yet so for example if you wanted 3 hours it would be like this:
INSERT INTO `710_boost` VALUES ('{transaction}', '3', '0');
local rewardOrWhateverYouWantToBeEffectedByTheServerBoost = 1000 --- 1000 reward normally without boost
local isBoostActive = exports['710-lib']:isBoostActive()
if isBoostActive then
rewardOrWhateverYouWantToBeEffectedByTheServerBoost = rewardOrWhateverYouWantToBeEffectedByTheServerBoost * 2 --- Double the reward if boost is active
Player.AddMoney(rewardOrWhateverYouWantToBeEffectedByTheServerBoost) --- if boost is active gives 2x if not gives default value.
local isBoostActive = exports['710-lib']:isBoostActive() if isBoostActive then amount = amount * 2 --- Double the reward if boost is active end