Fill image with other things
A simple program that replaces the original pixels of a picture with other things
Python interpreter and package Pillow.
pip install Pillow
python -h
- Fill image with text
python fit -h
python -h
- Fill image with image[s]
python fii -h
python -h
Because I want to use CJK text, I have set a font that supports CJK text Under the font directory.
You could specify the font to use, if the default font is not displayed
- image on image (fii) command line parser
- combine two programs, though it is very ugly now
- add set background color argument
- add whether loop text argument
- specify whether use text in loop when text color and background color are the same
Though it is so tiny and may not good, it still has a licence.
The project is released under the MIT License.
I don't know much about Python, so the code may not be very good.
At the same time, I am not sure whether the use of Noto font is infringing. If so, please let me know and I will delete it.