This library helps to deal with asserting proper structure returned via array. Main usage are E2E tests where entities are returned in non-strict way.
Consider an example: There is a webservice which returns a single note. Structure of the note should be as follows:
Resource Note:
- @id: iri
- title: string
- description: string
- location: GeoLocation
- startDate: string
- endDate: string
- personal: boolean
- content: iri
- author: iri
- createdAt: string
You can write assertions in that way:
use Kodzila\DataAssertions\EntityAssertion;
$noteData = $webService->getNote();
$assertions = EntityAssertion::build($noteData);
It will accept data like that:
$noteData = [
'@id' => '/api/note/dd85948e-6573-4d66-b743-cca4835448e9',
'title' => 'Note title',
'description' => 'Note title',
'location' => [
'lat' => 1,
'lng' => 2,
'name' => 'Kodzila note',
'startDate' => '2020-04-06T00:00:00+02:00',
'endDate' => '2020-04-10T00:00:00+02:00',
'personal' => true,
'content' => '/api/projects/dd85948e-6573-4d66-b743-cca4835448e9',
'author' => '/api/people/b1a93fec-45f1-461f-a93b-b7d2497e9eeb',
'createdAt' => '2020-09-14T12:55:17+02:00',
Beside single entity, the often scenario is to hit an endpoint with collection of entities.
Consider an endpoint GET /notes with returned structure:
Resource SimpleNote:
- @id: iri
- title: string
- description: string
- location: GeoLocation
- startDate: string
- endDate: string
- personal: boolean
- content: iri
- author: iri
- createdAt: string
You can write assertions in that way:
use Kodzila\DataAssertions\EntityAssertion;
$notesData = $webService->getNotes();
->each(function (EntityAssertion $entityAssertion): void {
It will accept data like that:
$notesData = [
'@id' => '/api/note/dd85948e-6573-4d66-b743-cca4835448e9',
'title' => 'Note title',
'description' => 'Note title',
'@id' => '/api/note/b1a93fec-45f1-461f-a93b-b7d2497e9eeb',
'title' => 'Note title 2',
'description' => 'Note title 2',