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Koi-3088 edited this page Jun 6, 2021 · 1 revision

SupportTrade commands and settings

Useful for servers that don't want genning enabled fully but appreciate the convenience of requesting items or Dittos for breeding.

$itemtrade/$item/$it <optional code> <item name> - Will initiate a trade for the requested held item. ItemTradeSpecies - Species to use for $ItemTrade, if enabled. None defaults to Delibird.

$dittotrade/$ditto/$dt <optional code> <stat modifiers> <language> <nature> - Will initiate a trade for a Ditto with the requested parameters.

Language modifiers: enter language name as per ALM's extra Showdown set input format.

Stat modifiers: "ATK", "SPE", "SPA".

Example below will result in a Japanese, 0 Atk, 0 Spe, Modest Ditto.

$ditto ATKSPE Japanese Modest

All of the above require the RoleCanSupportTrade configured under Integration -> Discord.


EggTrade - Will attempt to generate an egg from a Showdown set if a nickname "egg" is given. Now just a default feature. Example: $t Egg(Litten) or $convert Egg(Scorbunny)

Memes - If set to True, will enable custom, randomized memes for certain illegal requests instead of entering a user to the queue.

MemeFileNames - If memes are enabled, you can either enter image/gif links separated by commas, or file names also separated by commas. Example: image1.jpg,gif1.gif,WebsiteName/image.png

SpinTrade - If set to True, your character will do pirouettes while searching for a trade partner. Currently a USB-Botbase feature.


$fixot/$fix/$f <optional code> - Will add a user to the FixOT queue. This feature will attempt to fix a legal Pokémon's OT name and nickname if an advert (such as a link) was detected. If an illegal Pokémon was detected, it will instead attempt to regenerate a legalized one. Some attributes may change in this case. To successfully trade, offer a Pokémon and confirm the trade, just like with LinkTrade.

$fixotlist/$fq/$fl - Sudo command that will show users waiting in the FixOT queue.

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