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Deep Vocab
Deep Vocab

Most Scientific Way for Memorization

[English], [中文]


Deep Vocab is a mobile app that uses Machine Learning algorithms to actively push vocabulary that you are about to forget so that you can efficiently memorize them in your fragmented time.


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2021/08/17: v0.1.0-1 first release


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2020/01/06: :sparkles: finish dragging list UI
2020/01/07: :sparkles: finish quick-multi-selection UI (4 different option, big interactive area, accurate sliding feedback, color differentiation)
            :construction: start vocab database design
2020/01/08: register company
2020/01/09: :sparkles: vocab detail screen first design (tab)
2020/01/11: :sparkles: vocab detail screen second design (slide up with blackened background, more detail but hide, more interactive, big control area)
2020/01/12: :construction: thinking about new feature: pause music when not reviewing vocab.
            :construction: thinking about new feature: growing plants for each vocab. 单词永远置顶(备忘录).
            :sparkles: complete most UI elements.
            :bug: fix password obscure.
2020/01/13: :art: adjust code structure
2020/01/21: :sparkles: first write json for vocab
2020/01/22: :sparkles: json serialization and database
2020/01/23: :construction: connect database to actual screen
2020/01/24: :sparkles: connect database to actual screen
2020/01/25: :sparkles: finish sliding to mark vocab and link to database
            :sparkles: finish vocab selection ui
2020/01/26: :sparkles: finish selecting vocab, frontend
2020/01/27: :sparkles: finish pinMark backend
2020/01/28: :sparkles: added pull (refresh) vocab functionality
2020/01/29: :sparkles: finish downloading user vocab to fetch vocab list
            :sparkles: added graphql query and support RESTful download
2020/01/30: :sparkles: finish downloading vocab header
2021/06/11: :sparkles: finish refreshing vocab and basic LTM/STM prediction
2021/06/12: :bug: fix hide meaning after refresh
2021/06/26: :bug: fix refresh algorithm
            :bug: fix http_proxy in /etc/.profile
2021/06/27: :art: change refactor BottomNavigationBadge
            :boom: fully upgrade to support null-safety
            :books: documentation for and code
            :sparkles: now alert user if there are task
            :arrow_up: upgrade to android API 30
            :arrow_up: upgrade gradle, gradle-wrapper and kotlin plugin
2021/07/17: :arrow_up: add background_fetch package
2021/07/18: :sparkles: auto-refresh every 15 min
            :arrow_up: upgrade fl_chart package
            :racehorse: add empty screen for initialization after provider
            :bug: fix notifyListeners() error after dispose() on ViewModels
            :sparkles: add stats screen and 3 plots
            :art: README image created using with "Google Pixel 4 Just Black"
            :art: fix README, rename init_callback
            :sparkles: add line chart to individual vocab; remove from stats
2021/08/15: :bug: fix display after refresh
            :sparkles: add arguments to backends
            :sparkles: deploy on remote server
            :books: simplify environment.yml by remove build info
2021/08/17: :sparkles: remove stats http handling, calculated locally
            :bug: make calendar stats transparent
            :bug: fix stats chart when not logged in
            :sparkles: add icon
            :sparkles: add .jks to gitignore
            :sparkles: add to gitignore
            :sparkles: prepare for release
2021/08/18: :fire: remove fsearch
            :sparkles: support more android ISA
2021/08/20: :sparkles: add bottom_navigation_badge as submodule
2021/08/21: :sparkles: fix password security issue. support utf8 password
2021/08/22: :bug: fix unique columns in database
            :art: better print message
            :bug: with_for_update on insert update (flask-sqlitealchemy provides auto rollback last commit on error), implement erase_cache (
2021/08/23: :bug: make userVocab and markColor requests sequential to avoid concurrency issue
            :bug: fix formating issue in vocab translation
            :sparkles: add log upload feature
            :bug: fix accepting graphql arguments
2021/08/24: :arrow_up: upgrade snackbar system
            :sparkles: add update checks
2021/08/25: :sparkles: email verification when registeration
            :sparkles: add double password verification
2021/08/27: :sparkles: finish changing password, new UI
2021/09/22: :construction: IOS build success on 5e60538
2021/09/26: :sparkles: added ThemeDataWrapper; change Navigation logic; Account UI; Progress Bar
            :sparkles: change AndroidManifest.xml
            :construction: increment build 1->2
            :sparkles: remove debug flag (send actual email) backend, add graphene-file-upload
            :construction: increment build 2->3; Switch to release server
            :sparkles: add permission handler; change deep_vocab to Deep Vocab
            :construction: increment build 3->4
2022/01/07: :sparkles: implement SSL / TSL
2022/01/15: :sparkles: add backdoor command to create user
            :sparkles: validate found password
            :sparkles: reserve UI space for empty vocab list
2022/01/29: :sparkles: add progress indicator
2022/02/05: :bug: maybe fixed IOS FocusNode issue when login
            :sparkles: add label to progress indicator
            :bug: fix unable to refresh when there is no vocab
            :bug: test logs in iOS
2022/02/06: :sparkles: dark mode for everything except vocabpenel, login, logout, dev_screen
            :arrow_up: bump up build version
            :arrow_up: migrate to v2 AndroidManifest.xml
            :bug: bottom navigation badge deprecate `old.title`
            :arrow_up: MinimumOSVersion change from 8.0 to 9.0 in bottom navigation badge
            :arrow_up: package dependency upgraded
            :arrow_up: upgrade Flutter to 2.10.0 from 2.2.3 in /opt/flutter
            :bug: resolve dependency issue related to Moor:
            :bug: fix fl_chart update bug
            :bug: regenerate app_database.g
            :bug: bump up compileSdkVersion from 30 to 31 since 30 is unsupported
            :bug: fixed bugs in v0.1.0-7, bump up version
            :sparkles: fixed non-allow download before login; add login UI
            :sparkles: show login by default instead of register
            :sparkles: restructure login; prompt on stats screen
2022/05/08: :bug: broaden password match
2022/05/11: :bug: fix login prompt in vocab list
            :sparkles: HapticFeedback
            :sparkles: full nightmode implementation
            :arrow_up: bump version to version: 0.1.0+9
2022/05/24: :sparkles: add, service, and
2022/06/03: :sparkles: update environment.yml
2022/06/10: :bomb: refactor code to be more readable
            :bomb: using .env for major config
2022/06/11: :bug: make install script more friendly
            :bug: fix email verification display
2022/06/17: :sparkles: update install env to python3.9
2022/06/24: :bug: fix type error to compatible with .env file
            :bug: make unit to seconds
            :bug: modify install script to remind people change permission of database file
            :bug: add secret key and smtp certificate to .env
            :bug: fix verification time (Wu)
            :bug: test_mutation create user simulate client side encryption
            :bug: fix email format (Wu)
2022/07/01: :bug: parse_kwargs password backend storage
            :bug: fix password encryption order
            :bug: fix environment variable loader
            :bug: filter uuid for tasks
2022/07/29: :sparkles: add notification
2020/08/05: :sparkles: add showcase
2020/08/13: :sparkles: finish search bar
2020/08/27: :bug: fixed F_log problem

Known Issues


- Fix: tutorial stop showing after login
- Fix: after log out tutorial will show download immediately
- Add: Vocab Search Bar
- Add: Tutorial Screen
- Add: Wechat Login
- Add: app notification
- Add: language system
- Add: Vocab count in [已完成] section
- Add: global configuration
- Improve: in dismissible_vocab_row.dart, in (re-write it) adjust grpahql mutation to create and update sequentially
- Test: not sure whether "erase_cache" will work with .query.populate_existing().get()
- Improve: lag detected when doing vocab add request by sliding (due to listening to database changes)
- Improve: do not mix mutation and query in the front end, start using types and variables (especially fix backend `String` to `UUID`). Try using
- Improve: sync time zone: datetime should be consistent and use universal timestamp and convert to local time when appropriate. but user display should display according to local time zone (especially in stats)
- Improve: error message should be more clear, not just throw error (notification for unsuccessful refresh due to internet connection)
- Improve: limit rate of sending email from server-side (can be solved by limit request/sec for ip)
- Test: test that actually not sending multiple requests before the request returns
- Improve: set restriction on the field using validate, only validate once when submit?
- Fix: Pin Code Issue (login screen button to always shown above the keyboard) 邮件验证码加到标题
- Add: bug log report, custom support
- Add: try logout user after password modification
- Add: emoji support for normal texts
- Add: filter by star/pin
- Fix: login screen scroll view wave animation
- Fix: optimization:
- Improve: 注册时 actually 引导到注册, 
- Fix: password: must contain one letter 省略号看不到
- Improve: allow some special characters to the password
- Feedback: download need text indication
- Feedback: make hide vocab bigger
- Feedback: make vocabs bigger (or adjustable)
- Feedback: 注册时 actually 引导到注册
- Feedback: must contain one letter 省略号看不到
- Feedback: 邮件验证码加到标题
- Feedback: 更改密码 不要调到 register
- Feedback: 背了以后需要反馈 选中了哪个需要反馈
- Feedback: 本地存储数据, 这样划掉单词没有延迟
- Feedback: 用户可以设置是否显示上次背诵的单词的选项颜色
- Feedback: 用户标记颜色: 边框或者背景

For detailed TODO List, join our discord

Commit Emoji Guide

Commit type Emoji
Initial commit 🎉 :tada:
Version tag 🔖 :bookmark:
New feature :sparkles:
Bugfix 🐛 :bug:
Documentation 📚 :books:
Performance 🐎 :racehorse:
Tests 🚨 :rotating_light:
Improve format/structure 🎨 :art:
Removing code/files 🔥 :fire:
Upgrading dependencies ⬆️ :arrow_up:
Downgrading dependencies ⬇️ :arrow_down:
Work in progress 🚧 :construction:
Breaking changes 💥 :boom:
Move/rename repository 🚚 :truck:
Other Be creative

Inspired by

Frontend Development

Clone the repository:

git clone --recursive

If you somehow forgot to add --recursive keyword, you should do the following to sync submodule and to add submodule

git submodule sync --recursive
git submodule update --init --recursive

Make sure you installed dart and flutter and add the path to your environment variable (either in .bashrc or in android studio)

Open Android studio and run the app.

Frontend Installation

To run flutter app

sudo javaconfig
# and choose 0, java 11

Launching The App


Frontend Test

We don't have unit tests yet. But you can run python to test basic function of libraries.

Frontend Build

We build frontend app using

You need to go to AppleDevelopment to get a bunch of keys for Apple's Publishing of APPs. You also want Codemagic to connect to Apple by giving Codemagic API Key.

Sometimes you will get error like this:

> app-store-connect fetch-signing-files me.kokecacao.deepVocab --create --type IOS_APP_STORE --platform IOS --issuer-id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx --key-id xxxxxxxxxx --private-key @env:AUTH_KEY --certificate-key @env:CERTIFICATE_KEY
GET 403: A required agreement is missing or has expired. - This request requires an in-effect agreement that has not been signed or has expired.

Then you need to go to Account and click the red warning banner to accept agreement (if any). And then re-try it in about 10 min.

Backend Development

Backend Installation

Clone the repository: git clone

Look at and run It will setup the environment for you.

Launching Backend Server

You need to create .env file in project directory. Be sure to change secret passwords. Here is an example for testing environment. Please make sure you at least change CSV_PATH and SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI:

# Upload Download Configuration
# CSV_PATH=/home/ubuntu/dev/database/data.csv

# JWT Configuration
JWT_SECRET_KEY=DeepVocab: coded by Koke_Cacao on 2021/01/01. Yah, this was how I spend my new year. 许愿有个女朋友

# SQL Configuration
# SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=sqlite:////home/ubuntu/dev/database/deep_vocab.db
# SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=sqlite:///:memory:

# SSL Context
# FULL_CHAIN=/etc/letsencrypt/live/
# PRIVATE_KEY=/etc/letsencrypt/live/

# Email Configuration

To run this backend in development mode, first cd to /deep_vocab, and then:

conda activate web

To create database send the following request to

mutation {
    test(key: "Koke_Cacao 's secret key", action: "add to db") {

and you should receive:

    "data": {
        "test": {
            "success": true
    "extensions": {},
    "errors": null

Backend Test

We don't have unit tests yet. But you can run python to test basic function of libraries.



Deep Vocab: Most Scientific Way for Memorization.







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