This library makes it easy to retrieve data from a Mastercom account for Liceo Shientifico A. Righi (Cesena)
All operations are performed using http requests and data scraping using the beautifulsoup4
library. I had to use scraping because Mastercom does not have a full API, so some operations can be a bit slow.
Any operations can be performed with a login and password from Mastercom account.
In some cases you may get false data or a library error because I can take into account all possible scenarios of Mastercom. The data from my account was taken into account during development, but the diary has features that I don't have access to.
If you find a bug and are willing to help improve the project, you can write about it.
The library is available on PyPi, so you can install it in the standard way:
pip install RighiDiary
pip3 install RighiDiary
from RighiDiary import authorize_user
import asyncio
my_password: str = "CoolPassword"
my_login: int = 123456
async def main():
user = await authorize_user(login=my_login, password=my_password)
if __name__ == '__main__':