This challenge is designed to challenge your understanding of front-end web development. When you here a front-end website, you typically just think HTML, CSS, and Javascript. However, web applications have been around for a long time and can be built using many different languages, even if those languages eventually compile down to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These docs will be showing off the advantages that other languages provide as well as going over vanilla Javascript and frameworks available to Javascript.
Since this challenge will be progressively increasing in difficulty and complexity over time, these docs and the files in this repo will be updated over time as well :) .
I've been faily busy with life and some job requests, that I haven't had the time to focus on this project. I will be coming back to this project in the future :) !
- Vanilla HTML, CSS, and Javascript
- React
- Svelte
- Vue
- Angular
- Ember js
- Backbone js
It's important to know that this challenge is to understand how design strucutres can be used accross several different languages and frameworks. But mostly, I'm here to just have fun!
A: 2. Each folder is the name of the app that is being built 3. This folder also contains a "./" file which provides the features and requirements of the app. 4. Within each sub directory is the language that is being used 5. Then within each language directory are several different folders named after the framework or tool that is used to build the app. 6. Of course these final folders contain the following: 7. The first folder will be the start (named "/start") of the project, which contains all of the default files needed to start the project as well as another "./". 8. The second folder (named "/final"), contains the files of the final product for the project as well as some critiques about the tools/language that was used to build the web app in a file listed as "./"
Essentially a new language will be introduced each week, once I've gone through several different languages, I will increase the difficulty of the app.
A: I will be streaming this challenge on my twitch ( every weekend from 8p.m. - 12a.m. PST. The challenge will be updated before the first stream every weekend. I will also be updating this readme file to make note of which week, app, and language we are currently on. If you would like to follow along live, please feel free to follow the link above and join my live stream :) ! I will also be posting videos of this challenge on my youtube channel at!
A: The main reason, is to challenge my skills and knowledge of programming. I may not know many languages, but, the basic skills acquired from learning a programming language applies to many other languages. I also, just want to have fun, as that's how I feel every programmer should feel towards programming.
- Create a CLI using Deno or Nodejs to auto create the necessary folders for future projects
- Vanilla HTML, CSS, and Javascript
- React
- Svelte
- Vue
- Angular
- Ember js
- Backbone js
- Skulpt
- Brython
- Anvil
- Vanilla Dart
- Flutter