This project is discontinued but still can be used at your own risks. An enhanced version has been forked by @tunbridgep and can be found here.
It includes a lot of edits and updates, with more functionnalities.
This FreshRSS extension allows you to directly watch YouTube videos displayed by your favorite Invidious instance from within subscribed channel feeds.
To use it, upload the xExtension-Invidious
directory to the FreshRSS ./extensions
directory on your server and enable it on the extension panel in FreshRSS.
This extension is originally forked from Kevin Papst's extension : Freshrss-Youtube.
The first step is to put the extension into your FreshRSS extension directory:
cd /var/www/FreshRSS/extensions/
mv freshrss-invidious-master/xExtension-Invidious .
rm -rf freshrss-invidious-master/
Then switch to your browser https://localhost/FreshRSS/p/i/?c=extension and activate it. You may want to configure it so you'd pick your favorite Invidious instance. A list of existing instances is available on Github
With FreshRSS and an original Youtube Channel feed:
With activated Invidious extension :
Chose whether instance you'd like to use as your frontend :
FreshRSS is a great self-hosted RSS Reader written in PHP, which is can also be found here at GitHub.
More extensions can be found at FreshRSS/Extensions.