This project aims to develop a software application for accessing the USB Wired Cameras/ An Integrated WebCam. In brief this provides a window displaying the live feed of the camera selected and some control components on the GUI.
This project requires the following modules/libraries.
JDK SE/EE [For JRE Libraries], Follow the link to download,
[Link : ] -
Eclipse IDE - SE/EE , Follow the link to download,
[Link : ]
Few JAR Files For EXCEL Sheet Processing (attached in the GitHUb Folder "Excel JARs") Download Link : (BInary Distribution)
- JDK SE/EE- prefer latest version [For JRE Libraries]
- Eclipse IDE - SE/EE - preferversion above JUNO
Follow The Link For Proper JDK Installation,
[Link : ] -
Eclipse Does not require any installation, Click On the Eclipse Icon in the Downloaded folder
- Clone the git folder
- Create a new project in Eclipse
- Create New Package
- Right Click on "src" folder -> New -> Package, Set Name of the package as "PateintDetailsAppend"
- Create new class
- Right click on "" package -> New -> Class, Set Name of the class as "PatientExcelAppend"
- Copy the source of "" in git folder to it
- Create new class
- Right click on "" package -> New -> Class, Set Name of the class as "GUITest"
- Copy the source of "" in git folder to it
- Add all the JAR files in git folder to the project
- Right click on project -> Confgi BUild Path -> Libraries Tab-> Add External Jars
If you find any compilation issue or undefined variables/classes issue in the editor,
Check Whether JRE libraries are selected in the java build path while comiling.
Current maintainers:
- Koteswararao Chilakala -