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dkhalanskyjb committed Mar 21, 2024
1 parent a971c2f commit 2b88030
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Showing 4 changed files with 108 additions and 12 deletions.
19 changes: 18 additions & 1 deletion core/common/src/Clock.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,11 @@ import kotlin.time.*
* A source of [Instant] values.
* See [Clock.System][Clock.System] for the clock instance that queries the operating system.
* It is recommended not to use [Clock.System] directly in the implementation; instead, one could pass a
* [Clock] explicitly to the functions or classes that need it.
* This way, tests can be written deterministically by providing custom [Clock] implementations
* to the system under test.
public interface Clock {
Expand All @@ -23,7 +28,7 @@ public interface Clock {
public fun now(): Instant

* The [Clock] instance that queries the operating system as its source of time knowledge.
* The [Clock] instance that queries the platform-specific system clock as its source of time knowledge.
* Successive calls to [now] will not necessarily return increasing [Instant] values, and when they do,
* these increases will not necessarily correspond to the elapsed time.
Expand All @@ -35,6 +40,9 @@ public interface Clock {
* When predictable intervals between successive measurements are needed, consider using
* [TimeSource.Monotonic].
* For improved testability, one could avoid using [Clock.System] directly in the implementation,
* instead passing a [Clock] explicitly.
public object System : Clock {
override fun now(): Instant = @Suppress("DEPRECATION_ERROR")
Expand All @@ -47,6 +55,15 @@ public interface Clock {

* Returns the current date at the given [time zone][timeZone], according to [this Clock][this].
* The time zone is important because the current date is not the same in all time zones at the same time.
* ```
* val clock = object : Clock {
* override fun now(): Instant = Instant.parse("2020-01-01T12:00:00Z")
* }
* val dateInUTC = clock.todayIn(TimeZone.UTC) // 2020-01-01
* val dateInNewYork = clock.todayIn(TimeZone.of("America/New_York")) // 2019-12-31
* ```
public fun Clock.todayIn(timeZone: TimeZone): LocalDate =
Expand Down
77 changes: 69 additions & 8 deletions core/common/src/DateTimePeriod.kt
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Expand Up @@ -17,9 +17,22 @@ import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
* A difference between two [instants][Instant], decomposed into date and time components.
* The date components are: [years], [months], [days].
* The date components are: [years] ([DateTimeUnit.YEAR]), [months] ([DateTimeUnit.MONTH]), [days] ([DateTimeUnit.DAY]).
* The time components are: [hours], [minutes], [seconds], [nanoseconds].
* The time components are: [hours] ([DateTimeUnit.HOUR]), [minutes] ([DateTimeUnit.MINUTE]),
* [seconds] ([DateTimeUnit.SECOND]), [nanoseconds] ([DateTimeUnit.NANOSECOND]).
* The time components are not independent and always overflow into one another.
* Likewise, months overflow into years.
* For example, there is no difference between `DateTimePeriod(months = 24, hours = 2, minutes = 63)` and
* `DateTimePeriod(years = 2, hours = 3, minutes = 3)`.
* All components can also be negative: for example, `DateTimePeriod(months = -5, days = 6, hours = -3)`.
* Whereas `months = 5` means "5 months after," `months = -5` means "5 months earlier."
* Since, semantically, a [DateTimePeriod] is a combination of [DateTimeUnit] values, in cases when the period is a
* fixed time interval (like "yearly" or "quarterly"), please consider using [DateTimeUnit] directly instead:
* for example, instead of `DateTimePeriod(months = 6)`, one could use `DateTimeUnit.MONTH * 6`.
* ### Interaction with other entities
Expand All @@ -29,6 +42,10 @@ import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
* [DatePeriod] is a subtype of [DateTimePeriod] that only stores the date components and has all time components equal
* to zero.
* [DateTimePeriod] can be thought of as a combination of a [Duration] and a [DatePeriod], as it contains both the
* time components of [Duration] and the date components of [DatePeriod].
* [Duration.toDateTimePeriod] can be used to convert a [Duration] to the corresponding [DateTimePeriod].
* ### Construction, serialization, and deserialization
* When a [DateTimePeriod] is constructed in any way, a [DatePeriod] value, which is a subtype of [DateTimePeriod],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -98,7 +115,17 @@ public sealed class DateTimePeriod {
* Converts this period to the ISO 8601 string representation for durations, for example, `P2M1DT3H`.
* @see DateTimePeriod.parse
* Note that the ISO 8601 duration is not the same as [Duration],
* but instead includes the date components, like [DateTimePeriod] does.
* Examples of the output:
* - `P2Y4M-1D`: two years, four months, minus one day;
* - `-P2Y4M1D`: minus two years, minus four months, minus one day;
* - `P1DT3H2M4.123456789S`: one day, three hours, two minutes, four seconds, 123456789 nanoseconds;
* - `P1DT-3H-2M-4.123456789S`: one day, minus three hours, minus two minutes,
* minus four seconds, minus 123456789 nanoseconds;
* @see DateTimePeriod.parse for the detailed description of the format.
override fun toString(): String = buildString {
val sign = if (allNonpositive()) { append('-'); -1 } else 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,16 +171,38 @@ public sealed class DateTimePeriod {
public companion object {
* Parses a ISO 8601 duration string as a [DateTimePeriod].
* If the time components are absent or equal to zero, returns a [DatePeriod].
* Additionally, we support the `W` signifier to represent weeks.
* Note that the ISO 8601 duration is not the same as [Duration],
* but instead includes the date components, like [DateTimePeriod] does.
* Examples of durations in the ISO 8601 format:
* - `P1Y40D` is one year and 40 days
* - `-P1DT1H` is minus (one day and one hour)
* - `P1DT-1H` is one day minus one hour
* - `-PT0.000000001S` is minus one nanosecond
* The format is defined as follows:
* - First, optionally, a `-` or `+`.
* If `-` is present, the whole period after the `-` is negated: `-P-2M1D` is the same as `P2M-1D`.
* - Then, the letter `P`.
* - Optionally, the number of years, followed by `Y`.
* - Optionally, the number of months, followed by `M`.
* - Optionally, the number of weeks, followed by `W`.
* This is not a part of the ISO 8601 format but an extension.
* - Optionally, the number of days, followed by `D`.
* - The string can end here if there are no more time components.
* If there are time components, the letter `T` is required.
* - Optionally, the number of hours, followed by `H`.
* - Optionally, the number of minutes, followed by `M`.
* - Optionally, the number of seconds, followed by `S`.
* Seconds can optionally have a fractional part with up to nine digits.
* The fractional part is separated with a `.`.
* All numbers can be negative, in which case, `-` is prepended to them.
* Otherwise, a number can have `+` prepended to it, which does not have an effect.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the text cannot be parsed or the boundaries of [DateTimePeriod] are
* exceeded.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -348,10 +397,14 @@ public class DatePeriod internal constructor(
* Constructs a new [DatePeriod].
* It is recommended to always explicitly name the arguments when constructing this manually,
* like `DatePeriod(years = 1, months = 12)`.
* like `DatePeriod(years = 1, months = 12, days = 16)`.
* The passed numbers are not stored as is but are normalized instead for human readability, so, for example,
* `DateTimePeriod(months = 24)` becomes `DateTimePeriod(years = 2)`.
* `DateTimePeriod(months = 24, days = 41)` becomes `DateTimePeriod(years = 2, days = 41)`.
* If only a single component is set and is always non-zero and is semantically a fixed time interval
* (like "yearly" or "quarterly"), please consider using a multiple of [DateTimeUnit.DateBased] instead.
* For example, instead of `DatePeriod(months = 6)`, one can use `DateTimeUnit.MONTH * 6`.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the total number of months in [years] and [months] overflows an [Int].
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -435,10 +488,14 @@ internal fun buildDateTimePeriod(totalMonths: Int = 0, days: Int = 0, totalNanos
* Constructs a new [DateTimePeriod]. If all the time components are zero, returns a [DatePeriod].
* It is recommended to always explicitly name the arguments when constructing this manually,
* like `DateTimePeriod(years = 1, months = 12)`.
* like `DateTimePeriod(years = 1, months = 12, days = 16)`.
* The passed numbers are not stored as is but are normalized instead for human readability, so, for example,
* `DateTimePeriod(months = 24)` becomes `DateTimePeriod(years = 2)`.
* `DateTimePeriod(months = 24, days = 41)` becomes `DateTimePeriod(years = 2, days = 41)`.
* If only a single component is set and is always non-zero and is semantically a fixed time interval
* (like "yearly" or "quarterly"), please consider using a multiple of [DateTimeUnit] instead.
* For example, instead of `DateTimePeriod(months = 6)`, one can use `DateTimeUnit.MONTH * 6`.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the total number of months in [years] and [months] overflows an [Int].
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the total number of months in [hours], [minutes], [seconds] and [nanoseconds]
Expand All @@ -465,6 +522,10 @@ public fun DateTimePeriod(
* The reason is that even a [Duration] obtained via [Duration.Companion.days] just means a multiple of 24 hours,
* whereas in `kotlinx-datetime`, a day is a calendar day, which can be different from 24 hours.
* See [DateTimeUnit.DayBased] for details.
* ```
* 2.days.toDateTimePeriod() // 0 days, 48 hours
* ```
// TODO: maybe it's more consistent to throw here on overflow?
public fun Duration.toDateTimePeriod(): DateTimePeriod = buildDateTimePeriod(totalNanoseconds = inWholeNanoseconds)
Expand Down
22 changes: 20 additions & 2 deletions core/common/src/Instant.kt
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Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import kotlin.time.*
* The [Clock.System] implementation uses the platform-specific system clock to obtain the current moment.
* Note that this clock is not guaranteed to be monotonic, and it may be adjusted by the user or the system at any time,
* so it should not be used for measuring time intervals.
* For that, consider [TimeSource.Monotonic].
* For that, consider using [TimeSource.Monotonic] and [TimeMark] instead of [Clock.System] and [Instant].
* ### Obtaining human-readable representations
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,7 +104,11 @@ import kotlin.time.*
* requiring a [TimeZone]:
* ```
*, DateTimeUnit.DAY, TimeZone.of("Europe/Berlin")) // one day from now in Berlin
* // one day from now in Berlin
*, DateTimeUnit.DAY, TimeZone.of("Europe/Berlin"))
* // a day and two hours short from two months later in Berlin
* = 2, days = -1, hours = -2), TimeZone.of("Europe/Berlin"))
* ```
* The difference between [Instant] values in terms of calendar-based units can be obtained using the [periodUntil]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -366,6 +370,13 @@ public fun String.toInstant(): Instant = Instant.parse(this)
* Returns an instant that is the result of adding components of [DateTimePeriod] to this instant. The components are
* added in the order from the largest units to the smallest, i.e. from years to nanoseconds.
* - If the [DateTimePeriod] only contains time-based components, please consider adding a [Duration] instead,
* as in ` + 5.hours`.
* Then, it will not be necessary to pass the [timeZone].
* - If the [DateTimePeriod] only has a single non-zero component (only the months or only the days),
* please consider using a multiple of [DateTimeUnit.DAY] or [DateTimeUnit.MONTH], like in
* `, DateTimeUnit.DAY, TimeZone.currentSystemDefault())`.
* @throws DateTimeArithmeticException if this value or the results of intermediate computations are too large to fit in
* [LocalDateTime].
Expand All @@ -375,6 +386,13 @@ public expect fun DateTimePeriod, timeZone: TimeZone): Inst
* Returns an instant that is the result of subtracting components of [DateTimePeriod] from this instant. The components
* are subtracted in the order from the largest units to the smallest, i.e. from years to nanoseconds.
* - If the [DateTimePeriod] only contains time-based components, please consider subtracting a [Duration] instead,
* as in ` - 5.hours`.
* Then, it is not necessary to pass the [timeZone].
* - If the [DateTimePeriod] only has a single non-zero component (only the months or only the days),
* please consider using a multiple of [DateTimeUnit.DAY] or [DateTimeUnit.MONTH], as in
* `, DateTimeUnit.DAY, TimeZone.currentSystemDefault())`.
* @throws DateTimeArithmeticException if this value or the results of intermediate computations are too large to fit in
* [LocalDateTime].
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion core/common/test/ClockTimeSourceTest.kt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -83,4 +83,4 @@ class ClockTimeSourceTest {
assertFailsWith<IllegalArgumentException> { markFuture - Duration.INFINITE }
assertFailsWith<IllegalArgumentException> { markPast + Duration.INFINITE }

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