To run test you need:
- Unarchive
- Open windows command line go to folder with unzipped files.
- Run command: "mvn clean compile test" (You need to install Maven and add it to path system variable).
- Three tests were developed: DARWIN-8273, DARWIN-4865, DARWIN-4605
- There are tests in a following file: ..\Joint_Cucumber\cucumber-jvm-scrum-test-master\src\test\resources\com\scrum\features\new.feature a) DARWIN-8273, 114 Subscribe to a Simple folder - Scenario: As Participant I want to subscribe to a folder b) DARWIN-4865, 112 Move files and folders to another destination using drag&drop - Scenario: As Participant I want to move files and folders to another destination using drag&drop c) DARWIN-4605, 110 Download multiple files - Scenario: As Observer I want to download multiple files
- All steps (tests are making) are located in following file: ..\cucumber-jvm-scrum-test\src\test\java\com\scrum\behavior\
- File, which collects 'new.feature' and '' together and runs tests, is: ..\cucumber-jvm-scrum-test\src\test\java\com\scrum\
- When all tests are passed, you can find reports in {project_root_folder}\target\reports\cucumber\html
Optionally you can open pom.xml in IntelliJ Idea and run tests from this IDE.