Came in top 5 and won 3rd place 🥳!
Dicover the best hand-picked holiday spots from a database of over 45 locations from around the world at the Website
Backend: Django (Python3) for building the server, SQLite3 for the database Frontend: Used Vanilla HTML, CSS and JS
I used the OpenWeatherMap API for retrieving weather data for the locations
- You can see all the locations in the database and search/filter for particular
cities using keywords, factors of the location and name of the country etc using the search bar.
- For each location that appears u can see its related tags which when clicked will take you to a page containing all the locations with the respective #tag-name
- You can click on the learn more button at the bottom of the card and it redirect you to a page containing detailed information about the particular locations and all the factors you need to consider for a vacation.
- Here you can see the description of the location.
- On clicking the map-marker icon beside the name of the location, you can view the location on google maps
- You can also see the current weather conditions and the forecast for 7 days with the min-max temperature.
- You can review a location and rate it and also read others reviews and ratings
- You can favourite any location by clciking the star icon on a location
- You can mark a pl ace as visited by click on the visited icon on the bottom of the location card
4. Profile Page
- Here you can see the places that you have marked favourite
- Here you can see the places you have marked as visited
~ You can see the search history of all the things you have searched in the search bar
~ You can see all the reviews and delete them if u want to
Activate a virtual env an run the following commands. Make sure you are in the same directory as, core, holiday_planner, static, static_cdn and users.
download the database with all the cities from and place it in the same directory as and make sure the it is saved as db.sqlite3
pip install -r requirements.txt
python migrate
python runserver