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Data mining / AI course at Sofia Univeristy's Faculaty of Mathematics and Informatics

The first 5 tasks solve classic problems with general computer science algorithms. I implemented them using C#, as it was the language I was most comfortable with and I was also constraint on time. It turned out to be a great decision as the advanced debugging tools of Visual Studio and the features of the language (LINQ) really helped me develop the solutions faster.

The last 4 tasks are implementations of popular machine learning algorithms. I decided to use python and jupyter notebook to write the tasks. It was the first time I was using the language for something larger. I gradually learned the basics of the language and advanced to effectively using functions and classes. Again, it was a great decision to use python instead of C#, as I was able to take advantage of the well developed machine learning ecosystem and the loads of useful libraries.

01. Frogs

Simple frog puzzle game, exploring all winning options using DFS.

02. Sliding blocks

Finding the solution to the classic sliding puzzle game, implementing A* and the heuristic - Manhattan distance.

03. N Queens

Version of the 8 Queens puzzle - placing 8 queens on a chess board with none of them being threatened by another. Solved for N (up to 10 000) queens using MinConflicts algorithm.

04. Knapsack Problem

Another classic problem. Placing as many items as possible in a backpack with a total volume lower than the combined size of available items. Solved using a genetic algorithm - inspired by natural selection with three key functions - Crossover, Mutation and Selection.

I did a lot of experiments with different mutation strategies (always replacing a gene, 50/50 chance for a replacement or adding, replacing only when improving the chromosome...), doing crossover and mutation in a single step, adding immortal chromosomes and more.

05. Tic-Tac-Toe

Created an AI bot that plays Tic-Tac-Toe against a human player and never looses. The bot is implemented with the min-max algorithm and alpha-beta pruning. It finds the optimal move, even when placed in an unfair game (human has placed more markers than allowed).

06. K-Nearest Neighbors

Implementation of the KNN algorithm, including the euclidean distance, using the iris dataset.

07. Naive Bayes

Implementation of the Naive Bayes algorithm on the Congressional Voting Records Data Set . Used binning on 10 bins. Each of the bins is used as a test set once while the other 9 are combined into a training set.

08. Decision Tree

Used the Breast Cancer Data Set to implemented a Decision Tree. Also tried the sckit-learn decision tree as comparison, for which I had to use one-hot encoding.

09. kMeans

Implemented the unsupervised algorithm kMeans. Developed it on unbalanced data (8 clusters, 3 of which owning 99% the points), where it showed it's weakness and failed to classify correctly. Added a stopping rule - when none of the points change class. Then applied it to normal data (3 clusters with equal point representation).


Artificial Intelligence course at Sofia University








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