Send WhatsApp Text/Images/Videos/PDF/Documents/Voice/Poll Messages, plus many more types, automatically using Tasker.
Also supports sending WhatsApp messages from the Terminal(Termux).
Previous post intro:-
Recently I've been getting a lot of inquiries on how to send images, videos or documents in WhatsApp using Tasker.
Possibly with the screen off, phone locked, without unlocking, etc.
Contains assets that are used for running Mdtest V5 directly in Tasker.
Also supports sending WhatsApp messages from the Terminal(Termux).
Made for Project Mdtest V5.
- Send Text Messages
- Send Images
- Send Videos
- Send Audio
- Send PDF/Documents
- Send Link Previews (New!)
- Send List messages (New!)
- Experimental support for sending list messages.
WhatsApp business account not supported, only normal WhatsApp account.
More about it here #372.
- Experimental support for sending list messages.
- Send Poll messages
- Mark as read
- Revoke messages
- Download Media Messages (New!)
Now includes downloading media like:-- Images
- Videos
- Audio
- Documents
- Status
- Contacts
- Link previews
- Location previews
- Mute/Unmute chats (New!)
- Pin/Unpin chats (New!)
- Archive/Unarchive chats (New!)
- Multi-Number/User support (New!)
- Previously Mdtest could support only one WhatsApp number, but now you can have as many as you want
- Receive details of incoming messages as Tasker variables. Can use this for automated replies.
-> Be sure to check for all the available variables.
Current list of message types that are supported and can be received as Tasker variables:-- Text message
- text body
- Image message
- caption message
- image file
- Video message
- caption message
- video file
- Audio message
- audio file
- Document
- caption message
- document name
- document file
- Status message
- caption message
- status media file
- Contact message
- contact display name
- contact
- Link message
- text body
- link title
- link description
- link url
- image preview file
- Location message
- latitude
- longitude
- image preview file
- Poll response message
- poll question
- poll selected options
- Button response message
- button title
- button body
- button footer
- selected button
- List response message
- list title
- list body
- list footer
- list header
- list button text
- selected title
- selected description
- Text message
- Added support to link WhatsApp using phone number pairing method
- Now can link WhatsApp using phone number pairing method.
(Old V4) Previous method of scanning QR code was tiresome and needed a spare device.
(New V5) Now with the new pairing method everything is done from the main device in a few seconds. - Better support for sending images/videos/audio.
(Old V4) Previously needed to send an image thumbnail seperately along with the main media file.
(New V5) Now no longer necessary, Mdtest(V5) handles it. - Added support for receiving media messages and downloading the media file.
- Includes downloading images/videos/audio/documents/status/contacts/links/location previews.
- To enable receiving media messages and downloading media in Tasker set variable
The media files are stored in/data/data/
) - To enable receiving media messages and in Terminal(Termux) pass the
flag when startingmdtest
The media files are stored in~/whatsmeow5/mdtest/media
- To enable receiving media messages and downloading media in Tasker set variable
- Includes downloading images/videos/audio/documents/status/contacts/links/location previews.
- Added support to send link preview messages.
Only for websites that support the Open Graph protocol.
You are responsible for what you do with this.
Check the Tasker Reddit post for more info and importable Taskernet links.
This section is helpful for those who want to make shell scripts to use
to send messagesNot recommended for Tasker beginners since there are ready made Taskernet links in the Tasker Reddit Post that you can import.
Added preliminary CLI support to run mdtest
from within Tasker itself using action [Run Shell].
1) Set it up as described in this Tasker Reddit post.
This will prepare Tasker to enable CLI support natively.
Your [Run Shell] action to use mdtest
will look like this -
cd $mdtest_dir/../mdtest.7774
sh $mdtest_dir/mdtest COMMAND PARAMETERS
CLI Setup:-
1) Install and open Termux in your device.
2) Grab the pre-compiled binary from releases or use the build script to compile it yourself in Termux.
Eg:- Depending on your device architecture(use uname -m
to find out), you can download for arm
and x86_64
like this -
arch=arm64 && curl -L -o "mdtest-${arch}.zip" "${arch}.zip" && mkdir -p ~/whatsmeow5/mdtest && unzip -o -d ~/whatsmeow5/mdtest mdtest-${arch}.zip && chmod -R 744 ~/whatsmeow5/mdtest/mdtest
You can build and compile it by yourself in Termux -
rm -rf Tasker-MdtestV5 &>/dev/null
git clone
cd Tasker-MdtestV5
cd ..
3) After that link with WhatsApp like this -
Now to connect it to WhatsApp -
Type -
cd ~/whatsmeow5/mdtest; ./mdtest pair-phone 919876543210
(Here "91" is the country code and "9876543210" is the number. Adjust as needed)
This will generate the linking code.
You can copy the linking code and paste it in WhatsApp via notification
or by open WhatsApp -> ⋮ (menu) -> Linked Devices -> Link with phone number
Wait about 20s for pairing to complete. All done.
This finishes the CLI setup.
Your script will look like this -
cd ~/whatsmeow5/mdtest
The FLAGS are -
--mode <value>
Select mode: none, both or send
(default option: none)
- both -> Mdtest will receive mesages and as well as send messages
- send -> Mdtest will only send messages, not receive.
Download And Save Media.
- This flag also enables receiving media message types
such as:- images, videos, audio, documents, contacts,
status, location previews.
- Media saved to ~/whatsmeow5/mdtest/media
- Note:- To be used in conjuction with "--mode <value>"
Will only be effective if "<value>" is "both"
--port <value>
Port can be anything from 1024 ~ 65535
It must not be 9990
(default option: 7774)
- Mdtest accepts requests on this port.
- Note:- To be used in conjuction with "--mode <value>"
Will only accept requests if "<value>" is "both" or "send"
Delete Downloaded Media After 30s
- Useful for auto-deleting rubbish media that probably won't
ever be used.
- The idea is that if the user doesn't use the
downloaded media after 30s, save space by deleting
what is most likely redundant files.
- Note:- To be used in conjunction with "--save-media"
send <jid> <text>
sendimg <jid> <image path> [caption]
sendvid <jid> <video path> [caption]
sendaudio <jid> <audio path>
senddoc <jid> <document path> <document file name> [caption] [mime-type]
sendpoll <jid> <max answers> <question> -- <option 1> / <option 2> / ...
sendlink <jid> <url/link> [text]
sendlist <jid> <title> <text> <footer> <button text> <sub title> -- <heading 1> <description 1> / [heading 2] [description2] / ...
markread <jid> <message ID>
revoke <jid> <message ID>
listusers <jid>
listgroups <group jid>
batchsendgroupmembers <group jid> <text>
archive <jid> <true/false>
mute <jid> <true/false> <hours> (default is 8hrs, if 0 then indefinitely)
pin <jid> <true/false>
pair-phone <number>
appstate <types...>
request-appstate-key <ids...>
unavailable-request <chat JID> <sender JID> <message ID>
checkuser <phone numbers...>
subscribepresence <jid>
presence <available/unavailable>
chatpresence <jid> <composing/paused> [audio]
getuser <jids...>
getavatar <jid> [existing ID] [--preview] [--community]
getgroup <group jid>
subgroups <group jid>
communityparticipants <jid>
getinvitelink <jid> [--reset]
queryinvitelink <link>
querybusinesslink <link>
joininvitelink <link>
setdisappeartimer <jid> <days>
multisend <jids...> -- <text>
react <jid> <message ID> <reaction>
setstatus <message>
The "<>" means required, the "[ ]" means optional.
For single contacts, JID is usually the country-code followed by the phone-number and appended with "".
Eg:- Say country-code is "91", then JID will be ->
For group contacts, JID is usually the group phone-number appended with "".
whatsmeow - Go library mdtest
is based on.
Termux - The best Android terminal. Allows compiling mdtest
natively without needing PC or cross-toolchains. ffmpeg
binaries used from here.
Comment by OwlIsBack - Java functions used in Tasker to get per-line buffer of shell command.