👋 Hey there! If you got here, it means you've decided to accept our little test assignment. That's great! We're really happy to see you here. We hope you'll find this easy and will 🚀 blaze through it in minutes 😀 If you do we'd love to welcome you to our team of true motherhackers.
Good Luck!
The ask is simple:
- 👊 clone this clean repository into your workspace
- 👊 do what needs to be done
- 👊 create a pull request and send it back to us
- Kotlin
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Dagger - Hilt
- Retrofit
- Navigation Component
- AndroidX Lifecycle
- Moshi
Part 1:
Please clone this repository and run the app
Rember, follow MVVM architecture guidelines
Create a character list using the RecyclerView
- An endpoint with a list of characters is partially ready. You need to create a character serializable model based on the API documentation
- The layout of a single item in a list must include at least the name, status and avatar. The nicer it looks the better (what's nice is a matter of taste, but using different font faces etc. shows you now how to find your way around Android layouts)
- pagination or an endless scroll is not required but will be much appreciated
Part 2:
Create a separate screen with detailed information of the selected character
- add the correct API endpoint and call it to get the data (don't just rely on data from the list view)
- The layout must include at least avatar, full name, gender, species, status, nicely formatted creation date and a clickable link to the character's URL. Again the nicer it looks, the better but we don't expect you to spend half a day on it. All we want to see is how well you can play with positioning elements of a layout
Part 3 (OPTIONAL):
This part is just as optional as are unit tests 😉. You can skip it if you thinks tests are a waste of time...
Configure and add a few unit tests that will cover the view models
The app is using The Rick And Morty API https://rickandmortyapi.com/
Please follow their official docs: https://rickandmortyapi.com/documentation/#rest
Good Luck and we sincerely hope to welcome you on board soon!!!