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kratos genesis

Genesis for kratos.

Genesis accounts

Index Name AuthAddress Assets Note
1 - kratos1xaaxd4p3ll0cgw3l0ujrasuz93knecaet9x9rn 25 chain boot Fee
2 kratos kratos1xaaxd4p3ll0cgw3l0ujrasuz93knecaet9x9rn 25 kratos root account
3 initial@kratos kratos1ul7zrgzwwf90j7lxrla09hhcr456j5yae5xkml 100,000,000 initial tokens
4 foundation@kratos kratos1v7mv73v0d4gac54pn22ja6qptuxp3u8flls09h 40,000,000 foundation tokens

Chain Defines

Baseic defines for chain:

  • Main symbol : kratos
  • Core token symbol : kts

So build should use params like:

make all -e CORE_SYMBOL=kts -e MAIN_SYMBOL=kratos

Boot steps

    1. create key for kratos boot validator.
    1. create genesis accounts and assets to genesis.
    1. create genesis trx.
    1. sign the genesis trx and put to genesis file.
    1. boot the genesis kratos validator.
    1. create the other validator and join the network.

Gen genesis

First use to gen txs:

./ --build-path kratos-path/build

it will gen this file to genesis:

├── genesis.json
└── gentx
    └── gentx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.json

the gentx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.json need sign by kratos1xaaxd4p3ll0cgw3l0ujrasuz93knecaet9x9rn (or the key in kratos if gen new keys)

then set into genesis.json signatures info.

../kratos/build/kucli --chain-id kratos-mainnet --keyring-backend test --home ./mainnet/cli tx sign --from kratos --offline --account-number 0 --sequence 0 ./mainnet/gentx/gentx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.json > ./mainnet/gentx/gentx-signed.json

put the sign data to genesis.json:


    "genutil": {
        "gentxs": [
                "type": "kuchain/Tx",
                "value": {
                    "msg": [ ... ],
                    "fee": { ... },
                    "signatures": [
                            "pub_key": {
                                "type": "tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1",
                                "value": "A/m4d/b/jljWZsIN9xP0EJdz6vuwjxDYZGymUzsAyKhn"
                            "signature": "mHIxiVHUo9o/lH4PNgxMKVqly3dgXAAIw1bTNb1zKi1QKmFKDVUt/Vzp6PuZGDCXFkodux+9ge3BexhovmrkpQ=="
                    "memo": "......"


than can start kucd in ./nodes/kratos:

../kratos/build/kucd --home ./mainnet/nodes/kratos/ start
1600087635930506000     info    kucd/start.go:90        starting ABCI with Tendermint
1600087635970941000     info    constants/versions.go:35        Kuchain Version {"version": "0.5.1", "branch": "release", "time": "2020-09-14 09:51.49", "sdkVersion": ""}
1600087636081138000     info    distribution/genesis.go:51      genesis module account asset    {"account": "kudistribution", "asset": ""}
1600087636081625000     info    staking/genesis.go:104  genesis module account asset    {"account": "kubondedpool", "asset": ""}
1600087636081665000     info    staking/genesis.go:114  genesis module account asset    {"account": "kunotbondedpool", "asset": ""}
1600087636081687000     info    staking/genesis.go:119  genesis module account  {"name": "kustaking"}
1600087639201582000     info    state/execution.go:310  Executed block  {"height": 1, "validTxs": 0, "invalidTxs": 0}
1600087639211280000     info    state/execution.go:226  Committed state {"height": 1, "txs": 0, "appHash": "4C773228696705BB3AB300C8E655F05CB064E87D97B2B24F8472D71E7B252FD6"}

After boot the kratos node, can use kratos account to create other nodes.


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