- Python
- Django
- Django Rest Framework
- Docker
- Redis
- Celery
- PostgreSQL
- BeautifulSoup
- Creating custom users
- Authenticating users
- Friend system
- Posting system
- Comments on Posts
- Scraping data from a external website right into user profiles, based on the nickname provided when registering a user.
- Celery tasks
- Redis docker image to handle celery's functionalities.
Project is fully built on docker and with PostgreSQL as a database.
Rest Api in this project is documented and displayed with the use of drf-spectacular library and swagger.
- create/ (POST)
- me/ (GET)
- me/ (PUT)
- me/ (PATCH)
- token/ (POST)
- api/user_profiles/ (GET)
- {id}/ (GET)
- my_profile/ (GET)
- my_profile/ (PATCH)
- api/movies/ (GET)
- {id}/ (GET)
- add_movie/ (POST)
- -//-(GET)
- -//- (POST)
- {id}/ (GET)
- {id}/ (PUT)
- {id}/ (PATCH)
- {id}/ (DELETE)
- -//- (GET)
- -//- (POST)
- {id}/ (GET)
- -//- (GET)
- {id} (GET)
- -//- (GET)
- {id}/responding_to_invs/ (GET)
- {id/invitations_sent_by_me/ (GET)
- sending_inv/ (POST)
- -//- (GET)
- {id}/ (GET)
- {id}/ (DELETE)
Project done in collaboration to test github group working skills.