Modifyd version of LGSM from Daniel Gibbs (dgibbs64) for Exilemod
It's optimized & preconfigured to run a exileserver on linux.
- Backup
- Console
- Details
- Installer (SteamCMD)
- Monitor (including email notification)
- Update (SteamCMD)
- Start/Stop/Restart server
- Announce Server Restarts / Arma 3 Server Updates automatically
sudo apt-get install tmux php5 php5-cgi spawn-fcgi lib32gcc1 libstdc++6 libstdc++6:i386 libtbb2:i386
Ubuntu 32bit
sudo apt-get install tmux php5 php5-cgi spawn-fcgi libstdc++6 libtbb2
Email Notification
sudo apt-get install mailutils postfix
Cent OS 64bit
yum install tmux php5 php5-cgi spawn-fcgi glibc.i686 libstdc++ libstdc++.i686 libtbb2:i386
Cent OS 32bit
yum install tmux php5 php5-cgi spawn-fcgi libstdc++ libtbb2
Email Notification
sudo apt-get install mailx postfix
Debian 64bit
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install tmux php5 php5-cgi spawn-fcgi ca-certificates lib32gcc1 libstdc++6 libstdc++6:i386 libtbb2:i386
Debian 32bit
sudo apt-get install tmux php5 php5-cgi spawn-fcgi ca-certificates libstdc++6 libtbb2:i386
Email Notification
sudo apt-get install mailutils postfix
- Create a user and login.
adduser exileserver
passwd exileserver
su - exileserver
- Download the script.
wget -O exileserver
- Make it executable.
chmod +x exileserver
- Add Steam login details.
You will need to enter a Steam username and password to download ARMA 3 dedicated server.
It is recommended that you create a new Steam username just for the server.
nano exileserver
# Steam login
- Run the installer and follow the instructions.
./exileserver install
If steamcmd stuck on login in. Pls cancel the installation & login manually in steamcmd for the first time
Show the lgsm thread or my exileforum thread - - comming soon