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tk0miya committed Jan 27, 2021
2 parents 2ee0338 + 62dad2f commit c9480f9
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Showing 27 changed files with 301 additions and 118 deletions.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions CHANGES
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ Features added
:event:`html-page-context` event
* #6550: html: Allow to use HTML permalink texts via
* #1638: html: Add permalink icons to glossary terms
* #8649: imgconverter: Skip availability check if builder supports the image
* #8573: napoleon: Allow to change the style of custom sections using
Expand All @@ -130,6 +131,7 @@ Features added
references when :confval:`napoleon_preprocess_types` enabled
* #6241: mathjax: Include mathjax.js only on the document using equations
* #8651: std domain: cross-reference for a rubric having inline item is broken
* #7642: std domain: Optimize case-insensitive match of term
* #8681: viewcode: Support incremental build
* #8132: Add :confval:`project_copyright` as an alias of :confval:`copyright`
* #207: Now :confval:`highlight_language` supports multiple languages
Expand All @@ -150,28 +152,41 @@ Bugs fixed
* #8652: autodoc: All variable comments in the module are ignored if the module
contains invalid type comments
* #8693: autodoc: Default values for overloaded functions are rendered as string
* #8134: autodoc: crashes when mocked decorator takes arguments
* #8306: autosummary: mocked modules are documented as empty page when using
:recursive: option
* #8618: html: kbd role produces incorrect HTML when compound-key separators (-,
+ or ^) are used as keystrokes
* #8629: html: A type warning for html_use_opensearch is shown twice
* #8714: html: kbd role with "Caps Lock" rendered incorrectly
* #8123: html search: fix searching for terms containing + (Requires a custom
search language that does not split on +)
* #8665: html theme: Could not override globaltoc_maxdepth in theme.conf
* #8745: i18n: crashes with KeyError when translation message adds a new auto
footnote reference
* #4304: linkcheck: Fix race condition that could lead to checking the
availability of the same URL twice
* #7118: sphinx-quickstart: questionare got Mojibake if libreadline unavailable
* #8094: texinfo: image files on the different directory with document are not
* #8720: viewcode: module pages are generated for epub on incremental build
* #8704: viewcode: anchors are generated in incremental build after singlehtml
* #8756: viewcode: highlighted code is generated even if not referenced
* #8671: :confval:`highlight_options` is not working
* #8341: C, fix intersphinx lookup types for names in declarations.
* C, C++: in general fix intersphinx and role lookup types.
* #8683: :confval:`html_last_updated_fmt` does not support UTC offset (%z)
* #8683: :confval:`html_last_updated_fmt` generates wrong time zone for %Z
* #1112: ``download`` role creates duplicated copies when relative path is
* #7576: LaTeX with French babel and memoir crash: "Illegal parameter number
in definition of ``\FNH@prefntext``"
* #8214: LaTeX: The :rst:role:`index` role and the glossary generate duplicate
entries in the LaTeX index (if both used for same term)
* #8735: LaTeX: wrong internal links in pdf to captioned code-blocks when
:confval:`numfig` is not True
* #8442: LaTeX: some indexed terms are ignored when using xelatex engine
(or pdflatex and :confval:`latex_use_xindy` set to True) with memoir class

Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions doc/changes.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,4 +8,9 @@

.. raw:: latex

\hypersetup{bookmarksdepth=1}% pdf bookmarks

.. include:: ../CHANGES
23 changes: 21 additions & 2 deletions doc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,8 +58,27 @@
latex_logo = '_static/sphinx.png'
latex_elements = {
'fontenc': r'\usepackage[LGR,X2,T1]{fontenc}',
'passoptionstopackages': '\\PassOptionsToPackage{svgnames}{xcolor}',
'preamble': '\\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{229E}{\\ensuremath{\\boxplus}}',
'fontpkg': r'''
'passoptionstopackages': r'''
\PassOptionsToPackage{bookmarksdepth=3}{hyperref}% depth of pdf bookmarks
'preamble': r'''
\setcounter{tocdepth}{3}% depth of what is kept from toc file
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{1}% depth of section numbering
'fvset': '\\fvset{fontsize=auto}',
# fix missing index entry due to RTD doing only once pdflatex after makeindex
'printindex': r'''
Expand Down
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions doc/usage/extensions/index.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,14 +46,15 @@ organization. If you wish to include your extension in this organization,
simply follow the instructions provided in the `github-administration`__
project. This is optional and there are several extensions hosted elsewhere.
The `awesome-sphinxdoc`__ project contains a curated list of Sphinx packages,
and many packages use the ``Framework :: Sphinx :: Extension`` and
``Framework :: Sphinx :: Theme`` `trove classifiers`__ for Sphinx extensions
and themes, respectively.
and many packages use the `Framework :: Sphinx :: Extension`__ and
`Framework :: Sphinx :: Theme`__ trove classifiers for Sphinx extensions and
themes, respectively.

.. __:
.. __:
.. __:
.. __:
.. __:
.. __:

Where to put your own extensions?
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions karma.conf.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ module.exports = function(config) {

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124 changes: 69 additions & 55 deletions sphinx/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -494,31 +494,34 @@ def add_config_value(self, name: str, default: Any, rebuild: Union[bool, str],
"""Register a configuration value.
This is necessary for Sphinx to recognize new values and set default
values accordingly. The *name* should be prefixed with the extension
name, to avoid clashes. The *default* value can be any Python object.
The string value *rebuild* must be one of those values:
values accordingly.
* ``'env'`` if a change in the setting only takes effect when a
document is parsed -- this means that the whole environment must be
* ``'html'`` if a change in the setting needs a full rebuild of HTML
* ``''`` if a change in the setting will not need any special rebuild.
The *types* value takes a list of types that describes the type of
configuration value. For example, ``[str]`` is used to describe a
configuration that takes string value.
:param name: The name of configuration value. It is recommended to be prefixed
with the extension name (ex. ``html_logo``, ``epub_title``)
:param default: The default value of the configuration.
:param rebuild: The condition of rebuild. It must be one of those values:
.. versionchanged:: 0.6
Changed *rebuild* from a simple boolean (equivalent to ``''`` or
``'env'``) to a string. However, booleans are still accepted and
converted internally.
* ``'env'`` if a change in the setting only takes effect when a
document is parsed -- this means that the whole environment must be
* ``'html'`` if a change in the setting needs a full rebuild of HTML
* ``''`` if a change in the setting will not need any special rebuild.
:param types: The type of configuration value. A list of types can be specified. For
example, ``[str]`` is used to describe a configuration that takes string
.. versionchanged:: 0.4
If the *default* value is a callable, it will be called with the
config object as its argument in order to get the default value.
This can be used to implement config values whose default depends on
other values.
.. versionchanged:: 0.6
Changed *rebuild* from a simple boolean (equivalent to ``''`` or
``'env'``) to a string. However, booleans are still accepted and
converted internally.
logger.debug('[app] adding config value: %r',
(name, default, rebuild) + ((types,) if types else ()))
Expand All @@ -530,6 +533,8 @@ def add_event(self, name: str) -> None:
"""Register an event called *name*.
This is needed to be able to emit it.
:param name: The name of the event
logger.debug('[app] adding event: %r', name)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -560,6 +565,11 @@ def add_node(self, node: "Type[Element]", override: bool = False,
This is necessary for Docutils internals. It may also be used in the
future to validate nodes in the parsed documents.
:param node: A node class
:param kwargs: Visitor functions for each builder (see below)
:param override: If true, install the node forcedly even if another node is already
installed as the same name
Node visitor functions for the Sphinx HTML, LaTeX, text and manpage
writers can be given as keyword arguments: the keyword should be one or
more of ``'html'``, ``'latex'``, ``'text'``, ``'man'``, ``'texinfo'``
Expand All @@ -581,9 +591,6 @@ def depart_math_html(self, node):
Obviously, translators for which you don't specify visitor methods will
choke on the node when encountered in a document to translate.
If *override* is True, the given *node* is forcedly installed even if
a node having the same name is already installed.
.. versionchanged:: 0.5
Added the support for keyword arguments giving visit functions.
Expand All @@ -603,24 +610,21 @@ def add_enumerable_node(self, node: "Type[Element]", figtype: str,
Sphinx numbers the node automatically. And then the users can refer it
using :rst:role:`numref`.
*figtype* is a type of enumerable nodes. Each figtypes have individual
numbering sequences. As a system figtypes, ``figure``, ``table`` and
``code-block`` are defined. It is able to add custom nodes to these
default figtypes. It is also able to define new custom figtype if new
figtype is given.
*title_getter* is a getter function to obtain the title of node. It
takes an instance of the enumerable node, and it must return its title
as string. The title is used to the default title of references for
:rst:role:`ref`. By default, Sphinx searches
``docutils.nodes.caption`` or ``docutils.nodes.title`` from the node as
a title.
Other keyword arguments are used for node visitor functions. See the
:meth:`.Sphinx.add_node` for details.
If *override* is True, the given *node* is forcedly installed even if
a node having the same name is already installed.
:param node: A node class
:param figtype: The type of enumerable nodes. Each figtypes have individual numbering
sequences. As a system figtypes, ``figure``, ``table`` and
``code-block`` are defined. It is able to add custom nodes to these
default figtypes. It is also able to define new custom figtype if new
figtype is given.
:param title_getter: A getter function to obtain the title of node. It takes an
instance of the enumerable node, and it must return its title as
string. The title is used to the default title of references for
:rst:role:`ref`. By default, Sphinx searches
``docutils.nodes.caption`` or ``docutils.nodes.title`` from the
node as a title.
:param kwargs: Visitor functions for each builder (same as :meth:`add_node`)
:param override: If true, install the node forcedly even if another node is already
installed as the same name
.. versionadded:: 1.4
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -679,7 +683,7 @@ def add_role(self, name: str, role: Any, override: bool = False) -> None:
"""Register a Docutils role.
:param name: The name of role
:param cls: A role function
:param role: A role function
:param override: If true, install the role forcedly even if another role is already
installed as the same name
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -720,11 +724,9 @@ def add_generic_role(self, name: str, nodeclass: Any, override: bool = False) ->
def add_domain(self, domain: "Type[Domain]", override: bool = False) -> None:
"""Register a domain.
Make the given *domain* (which must be a class; more precisely, a
subclass of :class:``) known to Sphinx.
If *override* is True, the given *domain* is forcedly installed even if
a domain having the same name is already installed.
:param domain: A domain class
:param override: If true, install the domain forcedly even if another domain
is already installed as the same name
.. versionadded:: 1.0
.. versionchanged:: 1.8
Expand All @@ -739,8 +741,11 @@ def add_directive_to_domain(self, domain: str, name: str,
Like :meth:`add_directive`, but the directive is added to the domain
named *domain*.
If *override* is True, the given *directive* is forcedly installed even if
a directive named as *name* is already installed.
:param domain: The name of target domain
:param name: A name of directive
:param cls: A directive class
:param override: If true, install the directive forcedly even if another directive
is already installed as the same name
.. versionadded:: 1.0
.. versionchanged:: 1.8
Expand All @@ -755,8 +760,11 @@ def add_role_to_domain(self, domain: str, name: str, role: Union[RoleFunction, X
Like :meth:`add_role`, but the role is added to the domain named
If *override* is True, the given *role* is forcedly installed even if
a role named as *name* is already installed.
:param domain: The name of target domain
:param name: A name of role
:param role: A role function
:param override: If true, install the role forcedly even if another role is already
installed as the same name
.. versionadded:: 1.0
.. versionchanged:: 1.8
Expand All @@ -768,11 +776,12 @@ def add_index_to_domain(self, domain: str, index: "Type[Index]", override: bool
) -> None:
"""Register a custom index for a domain.
Add a custom *index* class to the domain named *domain*. *index* must
be a subclass of :class:``.
Add a custom *index* class to the domain named *domain*.
If *override* is True, the given *index* is forcedly installed even if
an index having the same name is already installed.
:param domain: The name of target domain
:param index: A index class
:param override: If true, install the index forcedly even if another index is
already installed as the same name
.. versionadded:: 1.0
.. versionchanged:: 1.8
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -893,6 +902,8 @@ def add_transform(self, transform: "Type[Transform]") -> None:
the list of transforms that are applied after Sphinx parses a reST
:param transform: A transform class
.. list-table:: priority range categories for Sphinx transforms
:widths: 20,80
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -925,6 +936,8 @@ def add_post_transform(self, transform: "Type[Transform]") -> None:
Add the standard docutils :class:`Transform` subclass *transform* to
the list of transforms that are applied before Sphinx writes a
:param transform: A transform class

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1196,9 +1209,10 @@ def add_html_math_renderer(self, name: str,
def add_message_catalog(self, catalog: str, locale_dir: str) -> None:
"""Register a message catalog.
The *catalog* is a name of catalog, and *locale_dir* is a base path
of message catalog. For more details, see
:param catalog: A name of catalog
:param locale_dir: The base path of message catalog
For more details, see :func:`sphinx.locale.get_translation()`.
.. versionadded:: 1.8
Expand All @@ -1209,7 +1223,7 @@ def add_message_catalog(self, catalog: str, locale_dir: str) -> None:
def is_parallel_allowed(self, typ: str) -> bool:
"""Check parallel processing is allowed or not.
``typ`` is a type of processing; ``'read'`` or ``'write'``.
:param typ: A type of processing; ``'read'`` or ``'write'``.
if typ == 'read':
attrname = 'parallel_read_safe'
Expand Down

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