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A flexible Telegraf helper library for dynamic bot management.


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TeleFlex 🤖

A powerful and flexible Telegram bot framework built on top of Telegraf. TeleFlex makes it easy to create modular, interactive Telegram bots with dynamic help menus, module management, and more.

npm version License: MIT

Features ✨

  • 📚 Dynamic Help Menus: Automatically generate interactive help menus from your modules
  • 🧩 Module Management: Organize your bot commands into modular components
  • 📱 Interactive Commands: Built-in support for inline keyboards and command pagination
  • 🚦 Rate Limiting: Protect your bot with built-in flood control
  • 🎨 Customizable: Easy to customize text messages, buttons, and behaviors
  • 📸 Media Support: Built-in support for photos, stickers, GIFs, and media albums
  • 🎮 Game Support: Create interactive games with state management
  • 🛠 Utility Commands: Common utility commands ready to use

Installation 📦

npm install teleflex

Quick Start 🚀

  1. Create a new bot with @BotFather and get your bot token
  2. Create a new project and install TeleFlex:
mkdir my-telegram-bot
cd my-telegram-bot
npm init -y
npm install teleflex dotenv
  1. Create a basic bot (index.js):
const { Telegraf } = require('telegraf');
const TeleFlex = require('teleflex');

// Initialize your bot
const bot = new Telegraf(process.env.BOT_TOKEN);

// Initialize TeleFlex
const teleflex = new TeleFlex(bot, {
    modulesPath: './modules',
    buttonsPerPage: 5,
    texts: {
        helpMenuTitle: '🤖 Bot Commands',
        helpMenuIntro: 'Available modules ({count}):\n{modules}'

// Set up handlers

// Add basic commands
bot.command('start', ctx => {
    ctx.reply('Welcome! Use /help to see available commands.');

// Launch the bot

// Enable graceful shutdown
process.once('SIGINT', () => bot.stop('SIGINT'));
process.once('SIGTERM', () => bot.stop('SIGTERM'));

Creating Modules 🧩

Create modules in your modules directory. Each module should export MODULE, HELP, and commands:

// modules/utility.js
const MODULE = 'Utility';
const HELP = `
🛠 *Utility Commands*

/calc [expression] - Calculate mathematical expressions
/time [timezone] - Get current time
/weather [city] - Get weather information

const commands = {
    calc: async (ctx) => {
        const expr = ctx.message.text.split(' ').slice(1).join(' ');
        try {
            const result = eval(expr);
            ctx.reply(`🔢 Result: ${result}`);
        } catch (err) {
            ctx.reply('❌ Invalid expression');
    // ... other command implementations

module.exports = { MODULE, HELP, commands };

Media Support 📸

TeleFlex provides built-in support for handling media files. Define your media assets in your module:

// modules/media.js
const MEDIA = {
    photos: [
            file: 'welcome.jpg',
            caption: '👋 Welcome!'
    stickers: ['sticker_file_id'],
    gifs: ['gif_url'],
    albumPhotos: [
            file: 'album1.jpg',
            caption: 'Photo 1'

const commands = {
    photo: async (ctx) => {
        const photo =[0];
        await ctx.replyWithPhoto(
            { source: photo.file },
            { caption: photo.caption }
    // ... other media commands

module.exports = { MODULE, HELP, commands, MEDIA };

Configuration Options ⚙️

const options = {
    // Path to modules directory
    modulesPath: './modules',
    // Number of buttons per page in menus
    buttonsPerPage: 6,
    // Minimum time between actions (ms)
    floodWait: 1000,
    // Custom command prefix
    commandPrefix: '/',
    // Customizable text messages
    texts: {
        helpMenuTitle: '🤖 Help Menu',
        helpMenuIntro: 'Available modules ({count}):\n{modules}',
        moduleHelpTitle: '📚 {moduleName} Commands',
        moduleHelpIntro: '{helpText}',
        noModulesLoaded: '⚠️ No modules available',
        backButton: '◀️ Back',
        prevButton: '⬅️ Previous',
        nextButton: '➡️ Next',
        floodMessage: '⏳ Please wait'

Examples 📝

Check out the examples directory for more examples including:

  • Basic bot setup
  • Utility commands
  • Interactive games
  • Media handling
  • And more!

Contributing 🤝

Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

License 📄

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Support 💬

  • Create an issue for bug reports and feature requests
  • Star ⭐ the repo if you find it useful!

Author ✍️

KunalG932 - GitHub


A flexible Telegraf helper library for dynamic bot management.







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