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Review Assignment Due Date Open in Visual Studio Code


Installation and Navigation of Visual Studio Code (VS Code) Instructions: Answer the following questions based on your understanding of the installation and navigation of Visual Studio Code (VS Code). Provide detailed explanations and examples where appropriate.


  1. Installation of VS Code:

    • Describe the steps to download and install Visual Studio Code on Windows 11 operating system. Include any prerequisites that might be needed.


    Windows 11 installed on your computer. Internet connection to download the installer


    Download Visual Studio Code from the official website. Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions. Finish the setup and launch Visual Studio Code

  2. First-time Setup:

    • After installing VS Code, what initial configurations and settings should be adjusted for an optimal coding environment? Mention any important settings or extensions.

    Install Essential Extensions: Prettier for code formatting. ESLint for JavaScript code quality. Python extension for Python development. Live Server for web development. Configure Settings for Extensions like enabling Format On Save for Prettier. Set Up Git Integration for version control and easy syncing with GitHub.

  3. User Interface Overview:

    • Explain the main components of the VS Code user interface. Identify and describe the purpose of the Activity Bar, Side Bar, Editor Group, and Status Bar.

Activity Bar:

Quick access to different views and tools. Icons for Explorer, Search, Source Control, Run and Debug, Extensions. Side Bar:

Displays different panels based on the Activity Bar selection. Panels like Explorer, Search, Source Control, Extensions. Editor Group:

Main area for writing and editing code. Features tabs, split editors, and syntax highlighting. Status Bar:

Provides information about the current state of the editor and project. Displays file details, language mode, Git branch, notifications, and tasks.

  1. Command Palette:

    • What is the Command Palette in VS Code, and how can it be accessed? Provide examples of common tasks that can be performed using the Command Palette.

    Command Palette: A versatile tool for executing commands quickly in VS Code. Access: Ctrl + Shift + P (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + Shift + P (Mac), or through the View menu. Common Tasks: Opening files Installing extensions Changing themes Running terminal commands Formatting code Performing Git operations Opening settings Viewing keyboard shortcuts

  2. Extensions in VS Code:

    • Discuss the role of extensions in VS Code. How can users find, install, and manage extensions? Provide examples of essential extensions for web development.

    Extensions: Enhance VS Code's functionality, providing additional features and tools. Finding Extensions: Use the Extensions view (Ctrl+Shift+X) or the Command Palette. Installing Extensions: Click Install in the Extensions view or use the Command Palette. Managing Extensions: Enable, disable, uninstall, and update extensions through the Extensions view. Essential Extensions for Web Development: Prettier for code formatting. ESLint for JavaScript code quality. Live Server for live reloading. JavaScript (ES6) Code Snippets for quick coding. IntelliSense for CSS class names in HTML for autocomplete. Debugger for Chrome for debugging. GitLens for enhanced Git integration

  3. Integrated Terminal:

    • Describe how to open and use the integrated terminal in VS Code. What are the advantages of using the integrated terminal compared to an external terminal?

    Opening the Integrated Terminal: Use Ctrl + (backtick) or Cmd + (backtick), the View menu, or the Command Palette. Using the Integrated Terminal: Run commands, create multiple terminals, switch shells, resize, and split the terminal. Advantages: Seamless integration, project context, synchronization with the editor, customizability, task automation, and extension support.

  4. File and Folder Management:

    • Explain how to create, open, and manage files and folders in VS Code. How can users navigate between different files and directories efficiently?

    Creating Files and Folders: Use the Explorer sidebar, right-click context menu, or keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl + N for new file). Opening Files and Folders: Use the Explorer sidebar, open file dialog (Ctrl + O), Command Palette (Ctrl + Shift + P), or open folder dialog (Ctrl + K, Ctrl + O). Managing Files and Folders: Rename, move, or delete files and folders using right-click context menu or drag and drop. Navigating Efficiently: Use the Explorer sidebar, tabs, Command Palette (Ctrl + P), breadcrumbs, go to definition/implementation, and split editors

  5. Settings and Preferences:

    • Where can users find and customize settings in VS Code? Provide examples of how to change the theme, font size, and keybindings.

    Accessing Settings:

    Use the menu: File/Code > Preferences > Settings. Use the Command Palette: Ctrl + Shift + P, then Preferences: Open Settings. Use the gear icon in the lower-left corner. Changing the Theme:

    Use the Command Palette: Ctrl + Shift + P, then Preferences: Color Theme. Use the Settings menu: Search for theme, then select Color Theme. Changing the Font Size:

    Use the Settings menu: Search for font size, then adjust Editor: Font Size. Edit the settings JSON: Add "editor.fontSize": . Changing Keybindings:

    Use the menu: File/Code > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts. Use the Command Palette: Ctrl + Shift + P, then Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts. Modify keybindings in the Keyboard Shortcuts editor

  6. Debugging in VS Code:

    • Outline the steps to set up and start debugging a simple program in VS Code. What are some key debugging features available in VS Code?

    Setup: Open project, create a simple program, install necessary extensions. Configure the debugger with a launch.json file. Debugging: Set breakpoints, start debugging (F5). Key Features: Breakpoints, step controls (continue, step over, step into, step out). Watch variables, call stack, variables panel, debug console, exception handling.

  7. Using Source Control:

    • How can users integrate Git with VS Code for version control? Describe the process of initializing a repository, making commits, and pushing changes to GitHub.

    Initialize a Repository:

Open the project in VS Code. Initialize the repository using the Source Control view. Make Commits:

Stage changes by clicking the + icon next to each file or next to Changes. Commit changes by typing a message and clicking the checkmark icon. Push Changes to GitHub:

Create a repository on GitHub and copy the URL. Add the remote repository using git remote add origin . Push changes using git push -u origin main

Submission Guidelines:

  • Your answers should be well-structured, concise, and to the point.
  • Provide screenshots or step-by-step instructions where applicable.
  • Cite any references or sources you use in your answers.
  • Submit your completed assignment by 1st July


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