A top down shooter game using Unity default tools. No visuals beyond Unity primitives are included (except weapons).
This mini project displays the use of Unity scriptable objects in tandem with de coupled player controls to create variants of objects one could find in-game (i.e. weapons) and disposes of unnecessary repetitions in code such as using equipment. Attempting to use equipment with nothing equipped will give visual feedback to the player in the form of pop-up text.
Final features of the Game:
-Top-down movement (there is gravity, but no jump)
-Mouse aim and firing
-Timer (ms ~ m)
-Weapon variants
-Distinction between enemy and friendly targets (from weapons fire)
-Final score(time taken to destroy enemy targets(in sec) + friendly targets(2.0sec))
Currently Implemented features (as of Oct 28, 2020):
-Top-down movement
-Mouse aim
-Weapon variants (Fully Automatic Rifle and semi-automatic pistol)
-Automatic (when there is no ammo left) and manual reloading
-Distinction between enemy and friendly targets (from weapons fire)
Unityのデフォルトツールを使ったトップダウンシューティングゲーム。Unity プリミティブ以外のビジュアルは含まれていません(武器を除く)。